Been so ill since Noo Year I haven't been anywhere, done anything. Still not the full ticket but ventured out today. One of my granddaughter's birthdays on Monday. Have bought and packaged present but missed the post. Went to see daughter, long chat (as you do) back to shop.
I've bought a Satnav. Looked at it earlier and decided I couldn't remember my PIN for my card. My account or card was cloned just before Xmas so everything is new. Three new PIN's to remember.
Anyhoo, didn't buy the Satnav I originally saw. I bought the next spec up. Same as the original but already had Euro maps loaded, loading from Intanet woulda cost more.
Dying to play with it but it has to be charged first.
See Janie tomorrow in the middle of allotment tuning into the satellite
I've bought a Satnav. Looked at it earlier and decided I couldn't remember my PIN for my card. My account or card was cloned just before Xmas so everything is new. Three new PIN's to remember.
Anyhoo, didn't buy the Satnav I originally saw. I bought the next spec up. Same as the original but already had Euro maps loaded, loading from Intanet woulda cost more.
Dying to play with it but it has to be charged first.
See Janie tomorrow in the middle of allotment tuning into the satellite
