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Bit stressed at the mo...........


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  • Bit stressed at the mo...........

    Nothing gardening related but I thought I would just say a few words for my dog Kes!
    She is a nine year old German Shepherd and just went through an emergency hysterectomy! The vet had to make a massive incision because there was a load of puss inside her the size of a football.
    Poor thing has been retching all night and I must tell you it was an unnerving experience walking the fields this morning for the first time in nine years without my dog!
    She at least had stopped wretching and is now just lying around disinterested in food but having a sip of water now and again. Vet was worried about peritinitus setting in as he took two bucket loads of puss from her insides. Must admit I'm nearly in tears writing this, but hey, hopefully she's now on the mend and I can possibly expect another 6 years from her.

    Cost was a bit steep I thought at a shade under �500 but the way I feel about the dog I would have taken out a second morgage if I needed to.

    Anyway I'll give her a quick cuddle and pop in and see her again at lunch time.

    Sorry to be so despondant but to be honest I feel like sh*t.
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper

  • #2
    Oh, poor Snadger. I understand completely. Have a great big hug for yourself and please give Kes a gentle hug. Ludo (our luxury rat/aka mini dachshund) sends his best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    If she is drinking I think that is considered a good sign. Hope she improves soon.
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      No need to apologise Snadger, you'd be a strange fellow if you didn't feel this way. Much as I would love another pet - be it cat, or dog, but I'm not sure I could go through the heartache again when things get rough, so my thoughts are with you.

      I'm sure you'd be upset if any member of your family was unwell, and I guess that's what pets are, members of the family.

      I hope Kes starts to get better soon, and you'll be out on those fields again together. Give her a quick little rub on the nose from me chap.
      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

      What would Vedder do?


      • #4
        oh Snadger hun ((((big hugs)))) and for Kes ((((big hugs))))

        We all know just how much Kes means to you and I can totally understand having had cats/dogs most of my adult life.

        I am sending you both all the best postive thoughts I have - get well soon Kes, the human needs you



        • #5
          Thinking of you, Snadge - it's that feeling of helplessness - that you can't DO anything - that gets you down, I think.

          Drinking water must be a good sign - and she will need to rest a lot, she's been through at lot.

          Hope you can update us later?


          • #6
            i know how you feel snadger my german shepard had the same operation at age 4 and she only went in for a sterilization and the vet found the first signs of the same problem and i was lucky enough to only get the steriliazation fee plus an extra fifty on top.
            the one thing he did say at the time was if your not breeding your dog then get it sterilized as soon as possible to avoid this happening to them.
            On a lighter note she is now 10 so they do get over it , but i'm affraid she will not be much longer in this world as her back end has gone so she will be most likely making the last visit to the vet some time this year.
            ---) CARL (----
            NORTH DEVON

            a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



            now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


            • #7
              Big hugs for you and Kes!

              How horrible for you - was it pyometra (womb infection)? It can be quite serious, but it sounds like you've got a vet who knows what they're doing.

              Maybe Kes would be tempted by nice bland human food like scrambled eggs, steamed chicken and rice in small amounts. GA can make dogs (and people) feel pretty rubbish.


              • #8
                Poor you, positive thoughts are being sent your way. Dogs have a habit of becoming just as much part of the family as any human. My little 10mth old staffie/lab cross has been under the weather for the last couple of days & i'm beside myself with worry and that seems to be just sickness/cold - don't know what i'd be like if she had to have an op!
                My parents 2 dogs have both undergone what sounds like a similar op to yours & both recovered well & are still going strong many years later. She'll get through it, as will you but that doesn't make it any easier at the moment i'm afraid.
                keen but (slightly less) clueless


                • #9
                  Oh Snadger, and Kes, sending big virtual hugs {hugs} to you both (only gentle ones to Kes of course!). I totally understand, was distraught when I lost my spaniel a few years ago, they are not 'just' animals, they are a part of your family. My thoughts are with you both, get well soon .... do let us know how she is later on??
                  Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                  • #10
                    Hobie and Flash (my 2 boys) are sending hugs over for Kes.

                    I'm sure she'll be fine it sounds as if many other "girls" have gone through this op and come out the other side with no problems.

                    Give her a gentle hug from us and don't forget to keep us updated please
                    A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


                    • #11
                      Hey Snadger, hoping for all the best with Kes. I won't say don't worry, because worry and sadness are part of a loving bond - if you didn't feel this way you wouldn't feel gladness for all the times you've been out for walks with Kes either. It's worth it all to have that bond in the first place. Best wishes for both of you.

                      Dwell simply ~ love richly


                      • #12
                        As one who cried for days when a Budgie or Cockatiel died I can really symathise with you in your worry for Kes, Snadger. I hope that by the time you read these messages she's beginning to pick up a little. The first big waggy tailed lick will make you smile!

                        Love from Flum
                        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

               Updated March 9th - Spring


                        • #13
                          Poor Kes- she must be wondering what's going on
                          ...good job she's got you though to support her Snadge - She'll be aware of all the love and caring you must be doting on her, and that can only help towards a speedy recovery for her.
                          When is her next check-up at the vets?

                          If in doubt as to her progress, do phone your vets- she's had a serious condition and they'll be only too pleased to hear your progress reports either for the better or otherwise.
                          (Do you have an emergency number- my animal's emergencies have always been middle of the night ,Sundays , or both!) If you get the number, then you'll not be needing to use it

                          Keep us updated Snadge- we're thinking of you both.

                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • #14
                            Oh dear Snadger... I do hope she's on the mend soon. As the others said, if she's drinking, that's a good thing. I know that dogs take a little while to recover just from the anaesthetic, so hopefully eating will follow soon. She'll take comfort from having you fuss over her too I expect she'll soon feel grand for having all that nastiness taken out! My Ma's GS had to have an emergency op soon after mam died, and we were all beside ourselves - we couldn't bear another loss (altho obviously not so huge) and Tara was 12 so quite old for a GS. However, she recovered really well (if a little slowly) from the op and is now 13, living with my little sis and bounding around like a 5 year old!

                            Anyhoo, hang on in there mate, we're all thinkin of you both
                            Paddy sends a woof & a wag Xx


                            • #15
                              Give her a (((hug))) from me Snadger. I have lost two dogs (so far) in the past and know exactly how you're feeling.

                              "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                              "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


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