Driving home last night, listening to Radio 2 as I do (isn't Chris Evans great?) and there was an advert for the Radcliffe and Maconie show. During the advert they played soundbites from each of teh two presenters. I forget what Mark Radcliffe said, that's not important for now, but what caught my ear was the potentially grapevine damaging quote something along the lines of "...doing without all the Flummery and Flammery..." 
For starters, I didn't know Flum and her husband were so well matched name-wise, but to make such inFlummetry remarks on a live broadcast is surely tantamount to terrorism?
Fleas and lice! Can we let them get away with such behaviour?

For starters, I didn't know Flum and her husband were so well matched name-wise, but to make such inFlummetry remarks on a live broadcast is surely tantamount to terrorism?
Fleas and lice! Can we let them get away with such behaviour?