Moggsue, unfortunately I couldn't afford a cottage like this in Bucks either, which is why I sold my house in Bucks and moved to The Forest! and hence one of the reasons of moving again now (last time!) in order to afford more land and a bigger property again. As I said to Trousers, I can create Holly Cottage and my Potager Garden anywhere in the world, and I can't WAIT to do it all over again!
Scarey, yes, fingies firmly crossed for Saturday, although they've not sold theirs' yet. Trousers and I think it's the peeps who did a 'drive-by' yesterday. Well, less of a drive-by, rather a park-up-and-lean-on-the-gate kind of peek really - dead unsubtle!
Scarey, yes, fingies firmly crossed for Saturday, although they've not sold theirs' yet. Trousers and I think it's the peeps who did a 'drive-by' yesterday. Well, less of a drive-by, rather a park-up-and-lean-on-the-gate kind of peek really - dead unsubtle!