Was on the plot at the weekend doing a bit of construction and maintenance when Mavis my bird popped in to say hello as usual.
Anyway, I had my camera so thought I'd get some photographic evidence.
02.02.08+004.jpg (image)
When I talking to one of my plot neighbours he informed me that Mavis, who I thought was a starling, was in fact a female blackbird. How rubbish am I!?
Anyone else made any decent gaffs recently?
p.s. Hazel, thanks for the Word tip!
Anyway, I had my camera so thought I'd get some photographic evidence.
02.02.08+004.jpg (image)
When I talking to one of my plot neighbours he informed me that Mavis, who I thought was a starling, was in fact a female blackbird. How rubbish am I!?
Anyone else made any decent gaffs recently?
p.s. Hazel, thanks for the Word tip!
