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  • Mushrooms

    hey all

    i did not no where to put this so put it here

    these are a few piccys i took that i am quite happy with

    hope they are off your likeing

    regards and best wishes

    "The Rabbit is 'the meek who has inherited the earth' proof against the worst man can do to it, including germ warfare, shot, trap, net, ferret and dog. I swear that on the day after the holocaust a pair of grey ears will rise cautiously above the smoking ashes of our world"............ JH

  • #2
    That's good photography. Are they in your garden? Are they edible?

    Kind regards
    Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

    Michael Pollan


    • #3
      Not of the "magic kind" (I hope)
      If you don't know what they are this site may help!
      Fungus, Mushrooms and Toadstools in an English Country Garden
      Last edited by bubblewrap; 09-02-2008, 05:18 PM.
      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
      Brian Clough


      • #4
        They are lovely pictures matt, I dint know you knew about the damp patch in my Bathroom..!
        Blogging at.....


        • #5
          What a lovely picture, I love edible mushroom, they are so tasty. I just grow mine 3 days ago, they are king oyster .

          Are they Hon Shimeiji ?
          Last edited by momol; 09-02-2008, 06:57 PM.
          I grow, I pick, I eat ...


          • #6
            i hope the rabbit thats mooching around your mushrooms as i type this is as tasty with the mushrooms you are growing.


            • #7
              I love photographing fungi, and it's not always easy to get right due to their insistence upon growing on, or near, woodland floors, meaning that the light is rarely good - so inconsiderate of them - These are lovely pics, thanks for sharing.
              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


              • #8
                They are lovely pics. But Oysters?, they look more like(maybe two different sorts of) honey fungus.(possibly edible) but you need to be careful before claiming they are edible Momol. They may well be tasty. but we must not definitively say they are.

                I have been mushrooming for years, I don't eat more than a dozen species of mushroom.(there are a few more I don't much like) I've been shown them by an expert, I know them, I have researched those that might look similar. I have never eaten anything on the strength of a photo alone.(however good). I maybe missing a few real treats with ignorance, but I'm still here! Take care people & happy shrooming


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Paulottie View Post
                  They are lovely pics. But Oysters?, they look more like(maybe two different sorts of) honey fungus.(possibly edible) but you need to be careful before claiming they are edible Momol. They may well be tasty. but we must not definitively say they are.

                  I have been mushrooming for years, I don't eat more than a dozen species of mushroom.(there are a few more I don't much like) I've been shown them by an expert, I know them, I have researched those that might look similar. I have never eaten anything on the strength of a photo alone.(however good). I maybe missing a few real treats with ignorance, but I'm still here! Take care people & happy shrooming

                  I was asking if they are Hon Shimeiji plus I was saying that I grow my own king oyster .

                  Thanks for your advice on wild mushrooms. No worries, I never hunt any plus it is prohibit by the law in the Netherlands. We did take lots of pictures of wild and weird mushrooms though .
                  Btw what are you doing at 2 am ?
                  I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                  • #10
                    Weather has been lovely here so i'm outside during the day. Anyhow I often enjoy the peace of no children at night!

                    Is it really illegal to hunt mushrooms to eat in the Netherlands??I can't believe that.


                    • #11
                      We actually spotted some wild chaterelle growing at the base of some big oak tree but again no hunting . They use this law to protect the wild mushrooms populations (for both edible and poisonous ones). I was with one of the wild mushrooms spotting (& identifying) group from our local area on 2006 and was told that we can only take pictures as they are all protected mushrooms .

                      Wow Paul, another 2 am ? .
                      I grow, I pick, I eat ...


                      • #12
                        Getting an early night tonight though!..I promise.

                        I can't see that removing the fruiting bodies will affect the populations at all. It is best to cut rather than pull mushrooms so you don't disturb the threads growing underground. Chanterelle often grow under birch trees and along paths in established deciduous forest.(avoid those under pines, as those are probably false -the gills don't run down stem-can give you tummy ache.) Poor stocks are more likely down to loss/lack of habitat as so much of Holland is devoted to monocultures. I think that is a poorly conceived law, unlike the liberal Netherlands. (I think I'm allowed to criticise as my Mum is Dutch!?)


                        • #13
                          In a way this law actually help the wild mushrooms to thrive in NL. You will be excited to see how much varieties growing so close to each other like a pack and undisturb....
                          We got the false chanterelle in our garden , it comes back each year.

                          The Chanterelle we spotted were mainly under oak tree as it was in a oak (tiny) forest. We spotted shitake and enoki (winter mushrooms) too but they are very rare here.
                          The biggest mushrooms populations here are puffball (from the tiny one to the football size plus the odd puffballs with spikes) and the field mushrooms (fairy rings group).

                          Well this law doesn't really means excluding the Netherlander in hunting wild edible mushroom, as each year (twice or so, I think) there are wild mushrooms lovers who organized mushrooms hunting tour but in Germany and France (used to be for Italy) .

                          We also have hobby mushrooms grower which we can buy spawn or buying cultivating kit and buying/tasting gourmet mushrooms, love it... I get to know lots of shroom grower
                          via this way.

                          I dislike this monoculture agriculture too but sadly can't do anything about it. Good to know you are going to bed earlier, Sleep tight .
                          I grow, I pick, I eat ...


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