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Hacked Off


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  • Hacked Off

    OOooooooo I'm hacked off. I've not been able to get down the lottie for ages with my Dad as I can only really go when someone can look after the boys for me (trust me, I've tried going down with them and bubs calls for attention every 2-3 minutes so it's a waste of time trying).

    We were due to go tomorrow for the day as my Mum is having the boys for me. But now I've realised me and bubs have a docs appointment mid afternoon, and I'm now taking my older boy to the same docs early in the morning.

    My Mum can only have the boys tomorrow (fair enough) but it means there's little point me going down the lottie as I'll hardly get to warm up down there.

    Can't go next week as she's not able to have them on Monday but my Dad is instead... which means I can't go down with him next week. Very soon I'll be back to work full time which means weekends only, but weekends are taken up with family stuff I don't have time during the week.

    And I really enjoy going down with me Dad

    Sorry, rant over. Just not in a fab mood

    "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter

  • #2
    That must be really disappointing. I know a bit of how you feel - my two year old is ok on my plot for a limited amount of time but there's an awful lot of downing tools to sort him out required! I really relish the (very!) occasional times when I can get down there child free.
    I was feeling part of the scenery
    I walked right out of the machinery
    My heart going boom boom boom
    "Hey" he said "Grab your things
    I've come to take you home."


    • #3
      I would feel the same as you if i couldn’t get time out on something you love to do

      Think it's good to rant and get some of it unloaded
      Smile and the world smiles with you


      • #4
        rant away it makes you feel better and its harmless
        The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


        • #5
          Is it just me or do we all feel a little bit down at this time of the year? I was ranting last night about the fact that I seem to be running just to keep up!

          As soon as the spring arrives our weekend diaries seem to fill up and I'm wondering when on earth I shall find time to do all the things I'd like. Whereas over the winter I seem to have several completely free weekends but can't get out in the garden to make use of them as there either isn't the jobs to do or the weather to do them in!

          Still I suppose it means I have managed to write most of my dissertation and bake some goodies for the freezer and spend time just hugging our daughter instead of tidying up after her...feeling more positive already...

          Maybe I need more sunlight, I sit in the middle of an office with a 5ft divider in front of me and cupboards behind and only see daylight when I leave....

          Just my two'penneth!!! Shall take tomorrow off as leave as it's half-term and I feel guilty about not being with daughter....

          updated blog - 15 Dec 2009


          • #6
            The secret is to have a good weather hobby and a bad weather hobby. There are a few closet knitters on here - and at least one quilter. I've been furiously busy the last few weeks and hardly time to fit it all in - good job it's too early to sow mnost of the seeds I have. I keep my hand in with a bit of heavy lifting - distributing compost etc - when the weather's good. If I had to fit work in again though, I'd be hard pressed!

            Lack of sunlight is bad though. It's great to walk around the village on a sunny day and see all the smiling faces.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7
              We all need as much light as poss this time of year. Apparently, even in winter on an overcast day, outside is about 100x brighter than indoors. See if you can go for a short walk at lunchtime - even if it's around the car park.

              I am sure we will all feel better in a few weeks - lighter evenings always do it for me.
              Growing in the Garden of England


              • #8
                Why do lots of us suffer in the winter? I know its to do with day light. I get it really bad, just want to sleep when I get in from work at 6pm!!!!!! makes angry and sad.
                Should I hibernate? You would think mankind has evolved to cope better with these 'winter blues' thing is I love the winter! my fave season.


                • #9
                  I often forget to leave the desk during the day, but the days that I get any walking at all, even if it's only as far as the shop and back, makes me feel a lot better for the rest of the day. (About 500 yards roughly). I've just spent the past half hour catching up with the MM's and everyone there is having a moan last night and this morning too - must be something to do with the weather or the moon......on the bright side, we are halfway through the week today, and on the way to the weekend and some free time to enjoy the sun!!


                  • #10
                    If all else fails, take one of these:

                    A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                    BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                    Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                    What would Vedder do?


                    • #11
                      I'm clearly just a miserable b*&^er then, cos even when its sunny I'm generally grumpy
                      Bob Leponge
                      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


                      • #12
                        I definitely think that sunlight is a major factor, just driving home last night in the sunshine made me feel heaps better.

                        Mind you, chatting to you lot also has the same effect Maybe it's the brightness of your smiles......


                        updated blog - 15 Dec 2009


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Shortie View Post
                          We were due to go tomorrow for the day as my Mum is having the boys for me. But now I've realised me and bubs have a docs appointment mid afternoon, and I'm now taking my older boy to the same docs early in the morning.

                          My Mum can only have the boys tomorrow (fair enough) but it means there's little point me going down the lottie as I'll hardly get to warm up down there.

                          Can't go next week as she's not able to have them on Monday but my Dad is instead... which means I can't go down with him next week.

                          And I really enjoy going down with me Dad
                          Right, tomorrow, even if you can only go for half an hour, go anyway. You can have a brew, and spend some time with your Pops, talking about what needs to be done where. You might not get much done, but it's sanity time, & time with your Dad. Then next week, when he has the boys (have I got that right?) maybe he can bring them to the lottie for an hour while you chat, walk round & talk about what you're going to do when he's taken them home? I know it's not ideal, but better a bit of Dad time & a much needed break from the kids?


                          • #14
                            Possible new use for fruit cages down on the lottie - stick kids in and carry on regardless!

                            Only kidding - they can be very demanding and have different levels of attention span - oh the joys of being a parent.

                            Thing is, the older they get the no less trouble they are - its just a different kind of trouble - good job nature doesn't tip us off before becoming parents or we'd be a dying breed.

                            Hope you get your 'me' time soon.


                            • #15
                              Give em both a shovel, a weedy patch for themselves, make sure there's hot water at home, and let them loose!!

                              I hope you managed a bit of time with your Dad, and that all the appointments went well too.


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