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capital punishment? Too good for them?


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  • #31
    Just a little thought for a Sunday, i wonder where the cut of point would be for capital punishment, one person, two people, or even manlaughter.

    I know i wouldn't want to be on the jury that had to put someone on one side or the other of the deciding line, would you.
    God bless all of us.


    • #32
      Not to trivialise this debate but, I watched a rather disturbing film recently (can't remember it's name , only that it had Vinny Jones in it) about a group of murderers who were taken by helicopter to an Island and left to get on with it. What made it more disturbing was that the plot entailed a Big brother approach with hidden cameras everywhere and murderers doing what they did best.
      Other ideas involve a Pappilon regime, with guards on an Island, which is no more than an open prison in my view.
      Both regimes are based on the premiss 'Out of sight, out of mind'

      Sorry, I have no answers but I think the above scenario's are no-go'ers!
      Last edited by Snadger; 24-02-2008, 09:11 AM.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #33
        I started the thread after listening to John Gaunt on the TV (pro-hanging).He insisted that 80% of Brits want the death penalty. Well, perhaps 80% of Sun readers want it. But then, 80% of Sun readers think that Winston Churchill is a fictional figure

        (and 80% of statistics are made up on the spot)
        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 24-02-2008, 09:59 AM.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #34
          Here's an idea....

          Offender is put in a room, family/friends of deceased etc are given a selection of offensive weapons and let in the room with the offender for 10 minutes - much more satisfying for the bereaved that knowing that their taxes are paying for the offender to live a life of luxury for the next X amount of years.

          I would happily swing for anyone who laid a hand on a member of my family or friends.....

          All IMHO of course :-)
          Live for something or die for nothing


          • #35
            I have way too many ideas of what to do to these people, and I can assure you that capital punishment would be letting them off lightly, so I'll keep them to myself for fear of offending anyone!

            I am an advocate of the death penalty, but only in circumstances where it is proven beyond doubt.

            I remember footage taken a few years ago on TV where a farmer came down to his front gate with a gun, and fired it at a reporter stood on the public road outside, killing him. All filmed by the TV crew, and therefore no doubt of guilt.

            A more recent case saw a man and his girlfriend jailed for raping a six-month old baby, proven beyond doubt mainly because they took photo's of themselves doing it!

            Despite the arguments to the contrary, there is no place in a civilised society for people such as this. Everyone has the right to be part of this society until you do something like that. In my opinion, you then loose any rights you might think you have, including that of life if it can be proven beyond doubt. these prisoners could be given a choice, but only that of assisted suicide to save the rest of us a large tax burden.

            It has to be said though that if the legal system was not letting the public down so much, keeping murderer's in for a true life sentence, rapists and other child molesters away from the public for good, enough prisons to hold people rather than let them out etc, etc then there would not be such a call for the reintroduction of capital punishment because just sentences would be being seen to be handed out and, more importantly, actually served.
            Veni, Vidi, Velcro.
            I came, I saw, I stuck around.


            • #36
              with a bit of luck, there will be a flu pandemic and the human race will just die out and leave the world to the beasties. We are all here because our ancestors had the qualities we so much despise nowadays. Some would say we are just an accidental and out of control cancer on the face of the globe which, in the interest of nature, should be eradicated. (sorry, my back's been killing me for days). that would be nice tho' - back to Eden.


              • #37
                I love all this we cant send you to the Prison because its full crap... So if a woman having a baby turns up at hospital you send her home cos its full....

                NO in both cases you build more.

                read Gulag....I know its a bit differant cos it was concertration camps by another name. But the the train stopped and the convcts got off and the first thing they did was wire them selves in. then they built the huts.

                Thats what they should do...if the prison is full pack them in tighter.
                My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


                • #38
                  Have read this post with lots of interest and although i agree there is lots of for and against however i think you have to bring it to a personal level, that being if it was one of OUR loved ones, children, wives or husbands would the anti corporal punishment brigade reconsider.
                  Murder, child molest, rape have become words we read so often that most of us including me have become a little numb to. I think this is because its there everytime we open a paper or swith on the news so nobody wants to hear the grim details of what happens and i agree we dont BUT........... when you try to imagine the fear of a loved one dying in a gutter because they tried to protect their family, a woman OR man screaming for help because they are being violated by some evil thing in its need for a perverse sexual kick, the tears in the eyes of a child as it tries to comprehend if what is happening is normal although it hurts so much and makes them cry and how can we ever get in to the mind of a baby who is thrown against a wall because it cries........Forgive me moderators and fellow grapes but i would personally put these evil disease ridden bastards to a slow and painful death.
                  God forbid any of us have to go through anything as troubling although as tolerant as a nation we have become i am sure some of us have.
                  Sorry Minty
                  " If it tastes like chicken THEN EAT CHICKEN " :- Kermit The Frog



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