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  • 2.02am

    not sleeping well at the moment so thought i would catch up with posts and see who was about well

    it says 40 people on line phil the shed and 39 guests never had a forum to myself before what drivel i could write but hey wouldn'y want to upset a mod when they wake
    this will be a battle from the heart
    cymru am byth

  • #2
    I was on at 2.30am the other night Phil, no-one around then either! I think there's a few of us that pop on here (Nicos/TonyF...?!) when we're in the grip of insomnia, but hardly ever all on at the same time! Perhaps we should start an "Insomnia Drivel" thread?!


    • #3
      I would be in for that, but generally joining at the later end of it. I get up for work at 0430 every day, which is 0330 in UKshire, so could join in the debate.
      After the obligatory several cups of coffee though
      Bob Leponge
      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


      • #4
        I suffer phases of poor sleeping due to CFS, however, I rarely have the energy to get up and switch the pooter on. Hope all of you with sleep problems get your body clocks sorted out soon.
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5
          hi shirl
          i tend to suffer when i ain't been actve enough spesh on sundays no work lottie's just fun, i suffer from an instantly recognisable illness though its been diagnosed as GCNOid.. (garden centre not open its dark)hee hee...
          this will be a battle from the heart
          cymru am byth


          • #6
            Yup I'm a no sleeper too... I just seem to wake up at around 11 o'clock

            "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


            • #7
              Originally posted by phil the shed View Post
              hi shirl
              i tend to suffer when i ain't been actve enough spesh on sundays no work lottie's just fun, i suffer from an instantly recognisable illness though its been diagnosed as GCNOid.. (garden centre not open its dark)hee hee...
              LOL, thanks for the giggle!
              Happy Gardening,


              • #8
                I'm not an insomniac all the time tho, just occassionally, usually when my blood condition is on the fritz. But when I can't sleep, I find an hour or two trawling through web sites I wouldn't normally look through (and no, not the rude ones) usually send me off.

                I have my morning ritual and my night ritual with the computer and that way I always try to keep up with the threads - though the temptation to be really naughty does get a bit strong sometimes.
                TonyF, Dordogne 24220


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