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Warning re dogs and gardens


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  • Warning re dogs and gardens

    Serious warning here people....

    Last night we had to take our 7 month old Boxer puppy to the emegency vets for surgery...

    He had stolen a bamboo cane when I was planting out my raspberries, and when I turned round to tell him to drop it, he ran off with it, and an end lodged into the ground. You can guess the rest

    Murphy punctured a hole in his soft palate, and required surgery at 10pm last night. We were very lucky. The hole is tiny although very painful with lots of bruising.

    Murphy is back home feeling very sorry for himself, with painkillers and antibiotics and needs to be on soft food for several weeks, plus numerous follow-up vet vists.
    Not to mention that we've been hit with a bill of £390 for last nights surgery.

    I am normally very careful, and the dogs generally aren't allowed sticks, for this reason alone. They're also not allowed in the veg patch without supervision (it's fenced and gated), but were in yesterday as Mr OWG was redoing some fencing elsewhere.

    It never occured to me that a 3ft bamboo cane would be that attractive to the dogs!

    Please make sure that in your garden/allotment/veg patch/the park that your dogs don't play with sticks or stakes of any sort!!

    *Public service announcment ends!*

  • #2
    wow, sorry to hear about your poor pooch.
    Yo an' Bob
    Walk lightly on the earth
    take only what you need
    give all you can
    and your produce will be bountifull


    • #3
      As a dog lover first and gardener second I sympathise with your plight. He may have a sore mouth and you may have a big bill but at least he's ok.
      My dogs know they're not allowed sticks but it doesnt stop them picking them up whenever they can, life's just a game really, and normally there arent any problems, but when it does go wrong it can be serious.
      Get well soon Murphy
      Bob Leponge
      Life's disappointments are so much harder to take if you don't know any swear words.


      • #4
        Poor old Murphy, hope he feels better soon. xxx
        Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


        • #5
          Give him a (gentle) scratch behind the ears from me. Hope he's soon back to full naughtiness (but without sticks!)
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #6
            OUCH!! That is one problem I don't have with Ludo - he is too short to bother with sticks. Hope Murphy is soon feeling better.
            Happy Gardening,


            • #7
              Ouch, poor doggy! I am sure he will soon bounce back to health, but maybe none the wiser for it!

              We have all of our cats insured and it has paid for itself over and again, with one of them getting run over and another having a burst cyst which needed loads of treatment. Another needed lots of investigative procedures which wold have cost a fortune.

              Is it too late to insure him in case he does something silly again?



              • #8
                Sorry to hear about Murphy and hope he is feeling better today.

                Our Aimee will pick up ANYTHING and play with it, so I have to be really careful. I am particularly careful with bamboo canes as I also had a nasty accident with one a couple of years ago, whilst carrying some to the tunnel. One slipped out of my grasp and I dont know how it happend but lodged in the ground, snapped and I got three very nasty splinters in my arm, one of which turned quite nasty as I couldn't get it all out. We do tend to use bamboo canes such alot in the garden, but they do split so easily and are very sharp when they do so.

                PS Aimee sends Murphy a lick and a pat!
                Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                ~ Mary Kay Ash


                • #9
                  Joys of dogowning, OWG. Keep smiling, we love them really
                  I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


                  • #10
                    Luckily he is insured, but we have to pay for everything first and claim it back... it's gone on the "emergency" credit card for now!

                    Mr OWG says that Murphy has happily eaten some scrambled egg, so at least he's eating again. I'm not too worried if he drops a bit of weight, as he is a very chubby puppy.

                    All the bamboo canes we have that are not in use are now in the garage... I shall be very careful in the future!


                    • #11
                      Boxers, huh?
                      Hope he's better soon. Dogs are supposed to be on leads on our allotment (kids too) but people let them run round anyway. All kinds of accidents waiting to happen

                      We had an Old English who used to eat lightbulbs. And a box of Tampax once. Only the once mind
                      Last edited by Two_Sheds; 26-02-2008, 07:38 AM.
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #12
                        I live in fear of Max doing something like that (He's a 7 month old Boxer too) he is an absolute sod for picking up sticks and chewing them. He's also a very indiscriminate eater. Everything is edible in his world.

                        Give Murphy a hug and a scratch from us. Hope he's back in full fettle soon.
                        Kirsty b xx


                        • #13
                          i had a english springer he died the very same way he did not make it home from the vets never through sticks for him he just picked one up when my wife was walking him one day hope all is well


                          • #14
                            Puppies are like small children. You need eyes in your bum!!!
                            I hope he's feeling better now.


                            • #15
                              How is Murphy doing today? I hope he is on the mend.

                              Mandy x


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