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Sainsburys/Tescos Vouchers


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  • Sainsburys/Tescos Vouchers

    Hi Again,
    First of all, can I say a BIG THANKS to everyone who very kindly saved their Tesco vouchers for me in the past.
    It's that time again though & both Sainsburys & Tesco are giving away various schools vouchers when you shop.
    If you'd like to save your vouchers for me I'll gladly send you an SAE. I know the school appreciated the last lot of lovely vouchers we all collected & I'm sure they'd be chuffed to receive more.
    Also, it's always pleasing to relieve the supermarkets of as much as we can as they really must be made to help the community more.
    Please PM me with your details & I'll send an SAE if you'd like to help.

    Much appreciated,

  • #2
    Me Me...

    I have some Tesco Vouchers as i got new glass's recently.

    Pm me your address i'll shove em in the post box with a 2nd class stamp.
    Blogging at.....


    • #3
      Hello Tracy, Ill be more than happy to collect my Sainsburys vouchers for
      you, hate saying no thank you when im asked if i collect them every week.

      No need for a SAE.



      • #4
        If you need tesco vouchers, then please send me your addy and I will post them out to you, when I have accumalated a lot. Good to help a good cause. Dont worry about postage.
        Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


        • #5
          Hi pm me your address I've got loads and no one I know is collecting them.


          • #6
            I am collecting the vouchers that the post office give out on Thursdays...They are called "beer 4 NOG" vouchers.

            You get them when you put your pension book over the counter. If you have any spare
            I will send an SAE or I you have lots I will come and collect.

            LOL well you have to try don't you.
            My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


            • #7
              Just wondered whether NOG's had much luck in the voucher hunt, wish I'd thought of that one . Would like to say a big thanks to everyone who's said they're able to help me with my voucher hunt.I've PM'd you my address. If I remember right, we managed to get over 600 vouchers between us last time! It might not be much to the companies dishing out the vouchers but it meant a lot to the school & they were very grateful to receive them, especially as they're a registered charity & every penny counts.


              • #8
                I don't shop at tesco very often but I can't help saying yes please to the vouchers so that I can pass them on. If you pm me your address I will happily send the few I have onto you.


                • #9
                  Just wanted to thank everyone again who has offered to help. I've also found out that Asda has a scheme running where if you re-use shopping bags they'll give you a green voucher that the school can collect to receive items for school. I've passed the details on to the school & they should hopefully take up the scheme.


                  • #10
                    Hi Tracey, I've got some Tesco computers for schools vouchers which you are welcome to.
                    Into every life a little rain must fall.


                    • #11

                      Just wanted to say a BIG Thanks to everyone who saved their vouchers & very kindly sent them to me We've managed to collect about 450 of them which I'm sure the school will be very glad to receive once the children go back after 1/2 term.

                      Kind Regards,


                      • #12
                        Thanks again

                        Had some vouchers in the post on Saturday but not sure who they're from. Postmark was a bit nondescript so no clues there. I just wanted to say thanks for your help, I'm sure you know who you are; even if I don't.


                        • #13
                          Sure be glad to help just pm me your addy and i will send



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