Does any other grapes enjoy Shameless as i do ??????
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Shameless anyone ????
Shameless anyone ????
" If it tastes like chicken THEN EAT CHICKEN " :- Kermit The Frog None
Originally posted by SarzWixI really cannot do with Shameless... It makes me cringe to the point of implosion
I think it might be a sign of old ageTo see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
I've always watched it & think it's well written , funny & thought-provoking but it has gone on for a bit too long. Some of it's filmed not too far from here & worryingly there are a lot of people in the Manchester area who are like the characters & I don't like the way some of the worst people in it are 'glorified' & drug taking is accepted as normal. If you take it as just a piece of entertainment though it can be wickedly funny.Into every life a little rain must fall.
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