Myttin da, to all the Cousin Jacks everywhere today is St Pirans day, the patron saint of Kernow (Cornwall)
St Piran's Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so I thought i would post this list of common cornish phrases
AVEEDUNUN Have you taken the necessary steps to complete your course of action?
AVEEGOTUN Have you found what you are seeking?
AVEESEENUN Have you seen that for which you search?
BETTURGOGITTUN I had better depart and fetch the article.
BIN-UN-DUNNUN I have carried out my allotted task.
COSTY MUCH DIDA Are you prepared to tell me how much it cost?
CAIN TELLY I cannot or will not give you the information you require.
CRIS Potato crisps.
DIDDY NAWN Did you know the person of whom we speak?
DIDDY ABM Did you/he/she have it? Did any one have it?
EDGE A structure seperating two fields.
ELLYDOINUV I don�t agree with the way you are carrying out your task.
EVVA IZZA How heavy is the article you are holding?
EZYAU I am in agreement with you.
FAARTHURGOTTUN My father has that which you seek.
FARIZA How far is it to my destination?
FERCRISAIK For goodness sake!
GIBMERAMINUT Give the item to me for a short time.
GIBMTHABOY Delegate the task to the apprentice.
G�SONUPANGEDDUN Please go on up and get it for me.
GOYNARY Are you proposing to go?
GUSON I don�t see your point of view.
HOFFIZER (Police) officer - there are no other �aitches� in the Cornish phrases.
IDN Is not. Hidden (idnidnizza - it isn�t hidden is it?)
ILLY Extremely steep or mountainous.
IZZA Is it?
KILLUN DIDDY Did you terminate his existence?
LIKUN DIDDY Did you find the experience pleasurable?
LEEBM DIDDY Did you leave the person?
MENTUN DIDDY Did you actually mean what you said?
MYGAR Good heavens above - Goodness me!
NAWN DIDDY See Diddy nawn.
NAWTHEN WIDDN You must have it/eat it on it�s own as you �Dawntav nawthn widdn�.
OLLER TUEN DIDDY Did you attempt to attract his attention?
PURTY WANNA Wasn�t that beautiful.
PARD Close friend.
PALLY WIDDN WAZZA Were you a close friend?
PIDDLEDOWN DIDDA Was it raining heavily?
RONG WAZZA Was he perhaps mistaken?
RUFFUZRATS Not very smooth sounding or feeling ( as in car engine). Or hungover.
SEENUNAVEE See �aveeseenun�.
TEEONSUH I would love a cup of tea.
TELLUNDIDDY Did you impart the knowledge to the person?
ULLONAMINUT Hold on for just a moment.
VELLAN Villain or rascal.
WOSHELIKE Informal greeting as in �hello� (regardless of gender).
WOSSMARRWIDDEE Traditional Cornish symapathetic question.
(copied from the programme of the Cornish Radio Rally July 98)
Kernow Bys Vickan
St Piran's Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so I thought i would post this list of common cornish phrases
AVEEDUNUN Have you taken the necessary steps to complete your course of action?
AVEEGOTUN Have you found what you are seeking?
AVEESEENUN Have you seen that for which you search?
BETTURGOGITTUN I had better depart and fetch the article.
BIN-UN-DUNNUN I have carried out my allotted task.
COSTY MUCH DIDA Are you prepared to tell me how much it cost?
CAIN TELLY I cannot or will not give you the information you require.
CRIS Potato crisps.
DIDDY NAWN Did you know the person of whom we speak?
DIDDY ABM Did you/he/she have it? Did any one have it?
EDGE A structure seperating two fields.
ELLYDOINUV I don�t agree with the way you are carrying out your task.
EVVA IZZA How heavy is the article you are holding?
EZYAU I am in agreement with you.
FAARTHURGOTTUN My father has that which you seek.
FARIZA How far is it to my destination?
FERCRISAIK For goodness sake!
GIBMERAMINUT Give the item to me for a short time.
GIBMTHABOY Delegate the task to the apprentice.
G�SONUPANGEDDUN Please go on up and get it for me.
GOYNARY Are you proposing to go?
GUSON I don�t see your point of view.
HOFFIZER (Police) officer - there are no other �aitches� in the Cornish phrases.
IDN Is not. Hidden (idnidnizza - it isn�t hidden is it?)
ILLY Extremely steep or mountainous.
IZZA Is it?
KILLUN DIDDY Did you terminate his existence?
LIKUN DIDDY Did you find the experience pleasurable?
LEEBM DIDDY Did you leave the person?
MENTUN DIDDY Did you actually mean what you said?
MYGAR Good heavens above - Goodness me!
NAWN DIDDY See Diddy nawn.
NAWTHEN WIDDN You must have it/eat it on it�s own as you �Dawntav nawthn widdn�.
OLLER TUEN DIDDY Did you attempt to attract his attention?
PURTY WANNA Wasn�t that beautiful.
PARD Close friend.
PALLY WIDDN WAZZA Were you a close friend?
PIDDLEDOWN DIDDA Was it raining heavily?
RONG WAZZA Was he perhaps mistaken?
RUFFUZRATS Not very smooth sounding or feeling ( as in car engine). Or hungover.
SEENUNAVEE See �aveeseenun�.
TEEONSUH I would love a cup of tea.
TELLUNDIDDY Did you impart the knowledge to the person?
ULLONAMINUT Hold on for just a moment.
VELLAN Villain or rascal.
WOSHELIKE Informal greeting as in �hello� (regardless of gender).
WOSSMARRWIDDEE Traditional Cornish symapathetic question.
(copied from the programme of the Cornish Radio Rally July 98)
Kernow Bys Vickan