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For those who try to loose weight


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  • For those who try to loose weight

    Having lost 10kg in one year and healthier than ever, I want to share my experience of "eating healthy diet" with all those who try/tried to loose weight without much success
    The most important element was : eating regularly.
    As soon as you body starve, the balance is broken and assimilation and distribution of nutrients start to messed up! So have a breakfast full of carbohydrate, a lunch full of fresh veg and proteins, a warm diner. Not only you will reduce the portion because you will not starve and it keeps your transit working in a regular pattern.
    Second most important : the proportion of different aliment group.
    Our body is the reflect of imbalanced proportion : extra bum=too much fat.
    We need very little fat but they are essential, they are really the one to keep an eye on it cause the body store immediately the excess, and don't get rid of it!
    A few teaspoon of oil is enough for your day, meat will do the rest.
    Having say this, the most amazing with this diet is that I didn't loose a gramme for the first 6 months, and then I have just steadily lost fat but my body is stronger and fit...just back to its normal metabolism of 58 kg!
    So go for it! its not complicate and makes you feel just how you should be!
    Hope this doesn't sound too "I got the truth" like!!

  • #2
    I too have lost a fair bit, albeit with Weightwatchers. They really stress healthy eating and insist that no breakfast = no wieght loss.

    They also are huge fans (as am I) of the zero point veggie soup, which I make up of whatever is around and freeze in batches. The theory is that the fibre fills you up and keeps you full for longer - tasts good too. Also they admit that a little oil is no bad thing, in fact on the 'Core Plan' you are told to have a spoonful every day.

    One of the things that started me on GYO was needing to feed that soup habit!


    • #3
      Anyone out there trying to put on weight ? I've never made it past 60 kgs however much I eat.


      • #4
        It's all very well but some of us have tried absolutely everything and the damn weight just will not shift.

        I eat healthily anyway but I have tried diet classes and ended up really depressed when folk come along having lost 5 or 6 pounds but saying how they cheated here and had extra there when I've stuck rigidly to the rules and either lose half a pound or nothing.

        I joined a gym early January and have been 2 or 3 times a week at least since then. They can't understand why I haven't lost an inch.

        Oh if it was as easy as you say


        • #5
          For how long did you "stick to the rule" ? As I say I start loosing after a good 6 months... Also, I think we all have a different shape/structure of body, I have to say I have always been quite fit naturally, the diet just put me back on my "normal" perhaps it doesn't work for everyone, or perhaps your body shape is normally round ( for example I have very little breast and narrow hips, can't have everything!) which I found always more feminine...
          Sorry for all these details !! ( I'm ashame of myself)


          • #6
            18 months and as I said I still eat a healthy diet


            • #7

              I lost 2 stone, then had two overseas trips in one month, then Christmas and put on one stone, which I still have. But ....

              The only clothes which don't fit are the one pair of skinny jeans I bought the day I hit 'goal'.

              What I am trying to say is - you can loose the weight, and if you're really good it will stay off, but eating low fat and lots of fresh stuff is what you need to do - weight isn't everything just keep a healthy body.

              What really puzzles me is an experiment I have tried several times - Weigh yourself, then shower then weigh yourself. I come out of the shower three quarter to a pound lighter than when I go in - how much mud can a person carry??!

              So try it yourself and report back.


              • #8
                I'm going to be facetious here: eat less + exercise more = lose weight.

                I'm helping Mr Sheds to lose 3 stone at the moment, and its exhausting. Every other day he's giving up his diet because he's only losing 2lb a week. It took him 30 yrs to put it on, it's not going to vanish in 3 weeks, is it? Grrrr.
                We're using the Times online progress tracker The Times Health Club | Please Sign In so he can see he actually IS losing weight, by exercising 30mins 4 times a week (this will need to increase as he gets fitter); he has given up (most) takeaways, beer and cheese: he's lost a stone in a month, although he "thinks" he's lost nothing at all.
                He's now got to a plateau - no weight loss at all last week. Thing is, he thinks he's "being good" all the time, but he's been sneaking in the booze (3000 cals of wine last week) and having a huge bowl of cereal after his dinner (an extra 400 cals a day that he doesn't need). That's enough to stall his weightloss. He'd need to swim another hour to burn off that cereal

                It's surprising how little food we actually need. We, nearly all of us in the West, eat more than we need, whether its only a couple of HobNobs with your tea, or 3 lattes a day (guilty as charged). I have a stubborn 4 pounds of lard sitting on my thighs which I hate, but I don't want to give up my lattes .

                have a go at the Times online tracker, and see if seeing graphs of your exercise and weightloss motivates you to do that bit more. (what it doesn't have is a calorie counter, but I'm sure they're available elsewhere on the Netweb) Good luck x
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  Well I'm going to upset you all... and tell you how I do it.
                  At 17years old I was a typical healthy reasonably exercise prone lad weighing around 67kg. 28 inch waist.
                  At 21 I was ditto around 70kg.
                  For the next 10 years I did little regular exercise but ate and drank normally and was then 72kg and very unfit. 32inch waist.

                  I then started regular jogging/running. 5 days a week Initially I struggled to do a mile then built up to 4. My weight fell to 70kg. I ate and drank as normal.
                  For the next 29 years I have run.. now every second day on average 3-5 miles . I have eaten what I like, I don't drink much alcohol (gin and occasional wine or whisky - very little lager) and now weigh 70kg. 31 inch waist.

                  I don't eat sweets or chocolate except as a treat every 1-2-4 weeks.
                  I eat biscuits when I like - about 4/day.
                  No sugar in tea or coffee. No sugar on cereals.. occasional condensed milk.
                  Semi skimmed milk only.
                  Very few puddings - one a week.
                  Cake only every 3-4 months.
                  Daily fruit : I love bananas and apples pears.
                  Breakfast, light lunch and evening meal.

                  Cream? In summer with fruit. And Christmas. And that's it. Full stop.. No creamy or milky drinks. Zillions of calories

                  Fast food? Once every 2-3 months.
                  Ice cream: summer only plus occasional weekends.

                  meat? Little fatty meat. Mainly chicken, bit of fish. Cold meat.

                  No real attempt to diet.

                  When I stop running due to injury I HAVE to cut eating or I gain about 3kg in 2 weeks around bottom and stomach. No biscuits. Reduce toast.

                  I also do daily exercises and yoga once a week. And garden in the summer. On non running days I walk 2 miles.

                  The key I believe is: regular exercise . I run or walk every day. EVERY day. As I run alternate days , I run Christmas Day, New Years Day, Boxing Day, in snow, in rain, in hail, in frost.. whatever the weather. Wherever I am. I've run in USA, Canada, Singapore South Africa, France etc. etc. When on business or holiday.

                  It's a routine like cleaning teeth.

                  It requires discipline and planning (shoes, clean running stuff etc).

                  If you are not organised and disciplined and are not motivated... however you try to lose weight... it will not work.

                  How you do it is irrelevant. Speed dieting is no good. You are talking lifestyle change. No food bingeing, no alcohol bingeing and regular exercise. Like REGULAR. No regular fatty foods or sweets or rich cream.

                  It's not easy at first. (Starting running again after 4 months off with injury at 60 is painful. PAINFUL.).

                  But it's doable. For anyone.

                  Most people who are fat lie to themselves. They do not WANT to lose weight. They are happy overeating and /or underexercising.

                  I could lose about 3kg if I tried. I will not cos I'm happy with my body as it is.

                  And to keep it a it is .. I will continue my exercise and routines until.. whenever I cannot... Another 30 years? I hope so.

                  As for lattes? oh dear!:-)))

                  Note : ready cooked meals from supermarkets are death for slimmers: we do not NOT eat them. Maybe once every six months.

                  Easy really. Discipline. And occasional treats. OCCASIONAL.

                  : If I stop running through injury and put on 3 kg, it takes about 4-6 weeks running and normal eating to lose it again.
                  Last edited by Madasafish; 08-03-2008, 12:55 PM.


                  • #10
                    MadasaFish: totally spot on. You need to put the work in to keep your body in shape, just as we put work in to the garden to keep it productive and beautiful.

                    The best thing for me was selling my car. I HAVE to walk or cycle everywhere. Consequently I've stayed the same weight, more or less, for over 20 years. I'm by no means a paragon of virtue: I binge like mad at Xmas, and have to work hard to shift that sherry/cake/pudding-belly in January, but that's the payback for pigging out.
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by greenlung View Post
                      Anyone out there trying to put on weight ? I've never made it past 60 kgs however much I eat.
                      I've got some going spare you can have greenlung!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • #12
                        Before I really start to eat "what I need" and not "all I want" I did a simple exercise which helps you to face your bad habits : I took note of everything I would swallow in a day... then you have it clear : is that 4 snacks between my meals ? 10 spoons of sugar in my 5 coffees ?
                        I agree with all of you, but its true that we actually don't need much food. And if you like eating, regular sports will balanced everything!


                        • #13
                          If only we could?

                          YouTube - losing weight with photoshop
                          The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                          Brian Clough


                          • #14
                            Cheers for the offer Snadger. What's the going rate for a pound of flesh and do i get a discount for fat ?

                            Seriously though, I haven't eaten animals or driven a car for 25 years and I cycle everywhere, so that's probably why I have to hang onto the sides of the bath to avoid going down the plughole : ) Sorry, did I say 'seriously'?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by greenlung View Post
                              Cheers for the offer Snadger. What's the going rate for a pound of flesh and do i get a discount for fat ?

                              Seriously though, I haven't eaten animals or driven a car for 25 years and I cycle everywhere, so that's probably why I have to hang onto the sides of the bath to avoid going down the plughole : ) Sorry, did I say 'seriously'?
                              No comment

                              YouTube - Lip-syncing "Mother's Lament" by Cream
                              The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                              Brian Clough


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