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Where has the time gone?


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  • Where has the time gone?

    I can't believe it is nearly a month since I was last on the 'vine!

    Just thought I would have a nice afternoon chatting to any of my friends who are on at the mo.

    Reason for absence? Doing loads of stuff with Pippa and we now have a preliminary assessment....

    Social Communication Disorder.

    So.... do we have any medical people out there? I know what the phrase means I'm just not sure where we go from here.

    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!

  • #2
    Hello stranger. Nice to see you back online.

    Sorry, can't help with the medical bits but hope it all turns out okay.
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      If you plug the phrase into google it gives several pages of Autism site hits - which is not so hot.
      The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


      • #4
        Thanks! It's not that I wish to be alarmist, but when all the hits are for Autism I do feel somewhat concerned!

        That said - read all the blurb on Asperger's Syndrome - which is part of the wider ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and you have Pippa down pat!

        I'm not having a good week - you know?

        There is due to be a follow up assessment at her pre-school at the end of April which should help narrow down exactly how she is to be 'defined'. Should be fun.
        Last edited by TPeers; 09-03-2008, 01:46 PM.
        The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


        • #5
          What kind of problems does she have Terry?
          Happy Gardening,


          • #6
            She is currently 4 1/4 yrs old and can't speak clearly, she dislikes eye contact, gets well stressed out if any activity won't go as she wants but won't change activity - just goes ballistic. Those are the things which are most notable to me - the school say that she is very poor at interacting with any of her age mates and does not always respond 'appropriatly' to what is said to her. Also that she 'tunes out' and ignores what is going on around her so as to continue with activites she likes even though she should stop.

            The specialist has said that there is a mild to moderate language delay and a language recall problem - she simply can't remember words and substitutes whatever word she can remember. I do know that she gets stressed talking to anyone and will vibrate (literally) when she can't remember a word. She tends to say the same thing over and over which is really frustrating for everyone.

            We also have some major problems with her eating habits as she is something of a control freak and will only eat spaghetti hoops! We are working on that though.
            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


            • #7
              Oh dear, sounds rather trying. Hope you get it all sorted out for all your sakes.
              Happy Gardening,


              • #8
                If you log on to there are many people there who are real experts in this area. I'm not assuming your daughter is adopted but you will find great support there whether she is or not - and huge amounts of knowledge, many of the parents there have children which present exactly the behaviours which you describe and someone will be able to tell you what that phrase means and what the next steps might involve. They will also point you to lots of books to read and who the medical experts are in this field.


                • #9
                  Welcome back TPeers. Hope you're able to get some good support with your little one.
                  All at once I hear your voice
                  And time just slips away
                  Bonnie Raitt


                  • #10
                    Thanks Marthaclematis, she isn't adopted, both my kids are exactly that - mine! So all our own problem!

                    I just wish that people wouldn't look at her like she has grown two heads! She is still the same lovely and loving little girl but my esteemed MiL is now terified of looking after her in case she 'has an episode' - she finds it hard to communicate - she is NOT epileptic!!!!!!!


                    Not that I have ever been particularly impressed with the woman, TOH said she used to be very different - I wish I had known her then.

                    Sorry, rant over. We thank you for your patience.
                    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TPeers View Post
                      Thanks Marthaclematis, she isn't adopted, both my kids are exactly that - mine! So all our own problem! .
                      And she will have her own unique gifts, as well as the difficulties you mention. Hopefully your MIL will come to understand that.
                      Last edited by muckdiva; 09-03-2008, 02:31 PM.
                      All at once I hear your voice
                      And time just slips away
                      Bonnie Raitt


                      • #12
                        One can but hope.... no doubt Pippa will get her own chapter in the Mil's memoires....
                        The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TPeers View Post
                          One can but hope.... no doubt Pippa will get her own chapter in the Mil's memoires....
                          LOL, our eldest was always welcome at Madmax's parents house, any time and at the shortest notice. However, when our younger son turned out to be a bit more of a handful (over-active, impatient, inattentive, very demanding) they suddenly were not able to baby-sit for us. Parents are funny things us included!
                          Happy Gardening,


                          • #14
                            Indeed, she is your beautiful and unique daughter. She may need a different approach in the way she is parented, there is a lot you can do to support her to bring out the best in her and if your MIL is willing to try and overcome her confusion and understand that you daughter isn't 'ill' she too might come to realise what a darling her grandaughter is. She's missing out and that's a shame. The people at Adoptionuk can steer you to ask the right questions of the right people. This can help you not to be fobbed off by so called 'experts'. It can be a minefield, so you need to do as much research by yourself before you get on the path of child psychologists and such like.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Marthaclematis View Post
                              Indeed, she is your beautiful and unique daughter. She may need a different approach in the way she is parented, there is a lot you can do to support her to bring out the best in her and if your MIL is willing to try and overcome her confusion and understand that you daughter isn't 'ill' she too might come to realise what a darling her grandaughter is. She's missing out and that's a shame. The people at Adoptionuk can steer you to ask the right questions of the right people. This can help you not to be fobbed off by so called 'experts'. It can be a minefield, so you need to do as much research by yourself before you get on the path of child psychologists and such like.
                              That sounds very much like personal experience and I won't ask! Thank you for being so positive.

                              The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


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