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UFOs, your thoughts?


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  • #91
    DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: Expose of Bizarre Influence

    Denver Airport Underground base and weird murals

    take a peak. I say 50% tosh and 50% kinda makes me think what is that all about and why have those strange pics there. Never found anything about who painted them and their views.... I am sure there must be a more logical perspective on this.... wish I could find it though.
    What do you think!
    Greys? undergorund? yeah right (tosh)
    Last edited by Headfry; 18-03-2008, 08:13 AM.


    • #92
      Originally posted by Paulottie View Post the field of human conflict has so much piffle been spouted by so few to so many.

      It offends me that Snadger was berated when he was, after all, openly asked for his opinion. Okay, perhaps it was not the choicest word, but I have to sympathise with his viewpoint. There is nothing here that even masquerades as a fact, Let alone a scientific subject that we could or should 'study.' Since when did conspiracy theories and fiction become some sort of creed that demanded respect?

      I apologise if that has made the mimosas curl up again but I had to say it -it been irritating me all day. This is an open forum and thus all opinions are equally valid. There is nothing racist or truly offensive here. LONG LIVE FREE SPEECH!

      PS As I've probably upset you now anyway mrsC2b ...wots viv txt b4. RU on the fone?
      thanks for replying Paulottie. A few things re your post. You quite rightly say ....'.....not the choicest word' well said, glad you agree. I can refer you to Snadger's post re this and my reply there is no problem regarding this. As far as facts as you say, this is my opinion, which as you say '.....are all equally valid.' As far as '..consipracy theories and fiction becoming some sort of creed that demanded respect,' I don't understand how you have read the posts to make you think like this? As you can see, I have been posting in reply to Seed Addiction's posts recently, 'Free Speech' in my book. You haven't upset me. '....wots with text before,' you've lost me with that one. '....are you on the phone?' yes I am.

      ' the field of human conflict has so much piffle been spouted by so few to so many.' I'm not spouting, and don't think it is '..piffle..' my opinion though. I think I am open minded. Would you like to prove why it is 'piffle?'
      Last edited by MrsC; 18-03-2008, 07:55 PM. Reason: grammar


      • #93

        Did you know you can see Area 51 on Google Earth.

        Did you know at the moment the American Secret Service are monitoring this website because you typed U.F.O. (say hullo to them.)

        Did you know Ive actually been to Roswell, I was taken there, not my 1st choice, NOW there is a place full of in-bred weirdos...! But in-bred with what i can only guess.

        However there is a very interesting museum there with walls full of photos of all sorts of weird stuff, such as 'UFOs' and crop circles... etc...

        It did state there that the world centre for crop circles was a place in England, UK called Wiltshire. (and the had hundreds of Photos to prove it.!)
        Blogging at.....


        • #94
          Good one this... Very emotive responses by some.

          Let's be realistic - it is a debate and we will never know what the real answer is. Are there aliens out there or not? I dunno! Never will either. I might even be one... You might even be one... One thing I do know is the mother in law is one.
          Let's go diggin' dirt....

          Big silver bird, come land low and slow
          Cut your engines, cool your wings,
          You've taken me home...


          • #95
            Originally posted by madmax View Post
            Are there aliens out there or not? One thing I do know is the mother in law is one.
            Yes, now you mention it my mother in law is definately from a totally different planet to me.... and the rest of humanity.


            • #96
              Originally posted by mrsc2b View Post
              Would you like to prove why it is 'piffle?'
              I think that's my point, there is no way to prove or disprove it. There is no concrete evidence or fact on which to base an argument that UFO's are otherworldly visitors. There is only hearsay, superstition and supposition.

              So we are constrained to beliefs. I don't see it proven and thus I don't believe. the onus is surely on you to demonstrate their existence. Which I suspect you can't do ( the reason for all thess sideline subjects) so therefore any dialogue remains ....Piffle


              • #97
                Originally posted by Paulottie View Post
                I think that's my point, there is no way to prove or disprove it. There is no concrete evidence or fact on which to base an argument that UFO's are otherworldly visitors. There is only hearsay, superstition and supposition.

                So we are constrained to beliefs. I don't see it proven and thus I don't believe. the onus is surely on you to demonstrate their existence. Which I suspect you can't do ( the reason for all thess sideline subjects) so therefore any dialogue remains ....Piffle
                have you read about the subject etc, i assume you have seeing as though you have posted with such passion?


                • #98
                  What's worth reading?

                  No passion at all I assure you the subject leaves me cold. I just thought it wasn't worth being upset if people think its crackpot claptrap, I imagine that you must run into that opinion quite a lot.


                  • #99
                    I think it's a fascinating subject.

                    It isn't really possible to prove or disprove it, just like people can not prove or disprove there is a God, but that's another topic for another time!

                    I apply science to everything I can but even science can not help draw an answer. I understand that there will always be lots of people who do not 'believe', but I sometimes wonder if people don't believe because it doesn't fit in with the norm, we are conditioned to get used to things and anything a bit odd seems rediculous-but there are plenty of things that still remain unanswered.


                    • Agreed, SA. Healthy scepticism is good and remains my position.

                      In 1981 (I think - it may have been a year or so either side) there was a lot of Police activity in our village in Dubai. I had been photographing a sunset when the local Police Inspector (Hamid, I think he was called) pointed to a light in the sky and told me to photograph it. The light appeared static for a minute or so then appeared to move away rapidly. I had 125ASA B/W film loaded and a 400mm lens. I ran off a few shots, whereupon the Inspector demanded the film and gave it to one of his men to take to the Police lab for processing, ignoring my suggestions that it should be pushed by at least one full stop to get anything. They returned the negatives to me and said there was nothing there. I printed off a couple which showed a fuzzy light.
                      The Police told me this thing had come down in town and disrupted the water supply and they wanted to arrest it (not the brightest force in the world). By this time the local press had become involved and, to cut a long story short, if you can find a copy of the Khaleej Times for the right date, there is an article where I tell their ace reporter three things
                      1. I could have produced the same image by dodging a piece of cotton wool in the path of the enlarger lamp,
                      2. It seemed to be an object, it seemed to be flying and I had no idea what it was, ergo it was, to me, an Unidentified Flying Object and
                      3. I had no way of telling whether it was the size of a dinner plate some yards away or a great deal larger and a great deal further away.


                      The only people who don't believe in ghosts are people who have never seen one ...

                      Last edited by scared55; 19-03-2008, 06:16 AM.


                      • Like you. KK I once saw 'something'. The fact that I personally couldn't identify it doesn't mean that someone else with more knowledge/different position/better eyesight couldn't. I could have jumped up and down and shouted about aliens, but that would have been extremely foolish. As far as I can see most people who have these experiences rarely report them or have them investigated,(I didn't) but until every possibility has been discounted by experts you can't actually claim to have seen anything. There was a fad in the late 1800s for spirit mediums and the like, most of the photos you see taken of 'spirits' at the time, today seem laughable and I've seen one or two UFO photos which appear repeatedly in the literature and yet are so obviously faked that it's ridiculous (no I haven't read much UFO stuff, but when my lad was about 14 he went through an alien phase - in every sense of the term - and would show me what he was reading) If aliens are to be taken seriously then we need to cease this split into believers and non-believers and fund someone independent to research it, the fact that this hasn't happened probably speaks volumes and I doubt that there's anything to research.
                        Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


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