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Lifes good


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  • #16
    I love this attitude of gratitude!
    While we are all being thankful and happy about what we have we are sending out positive vibes to the universe attracting more of it! Horrah!
    So just keep ignoring the tits up stuff and focus on this great stuff folks.
    Life is good.
    Imagination is everything, it is a preview of what is to become.


    • #17
      I'd rather have mine up than down! If I'm lying on me face I'm really in schtuck!
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #18
        Life's good because:

        ...the toddler is here and a joy to be around (most of the time).

        ...OH is being even more supportive than usual to help me finish project.

        ...seedlings through so far are doing well for a change.

        ...I'm finally learning to relax a little and not sweat the small stuff.

        ...I'm more or less managing to still live the only bit of the Girl Guide law I ever remembered: "A Guide smiles and sings under all difficulties".

        ...we have a roof over our head, food for our bellies, and more than enough to keep us in comfort and health - as well as having that health (mostly).


        • #19
          Life's good because I've been off work this week and don't have to go back till Tuesday (yeahhhhhhhh!)

          Life's good because discovering this site and the lovely people on it has given me access to a wealth of gardening knowledge and experience.

          Life's good because all in the greenhouse is good (whispering so not to tempt fate).


          • #20
            Life's good because we're off to stay with family for the Easter break (provided OH is weel enough) and that's always nice and relaxing

            Life's good because as long as it doesn't rain I have next week off to dig over the rest of the new lottie

            Life's good because I have two mild, clever children that I love to bits and OH ain't all that bad, lol

            The cr*p bits? I just count my blessings and always ground myself back down remembering that things can always be worse so be thankful they're not.

            "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


            • #21
              Life's good because we're living the dream and building our own house (which gets its roof next week - I'm so excited).

              Life's good because I adore my OH and he adores me.

              Life's good because OH has promised we can have chickens once the house and garden are finished.

              Life could go tits up at any moment - but if we spent our life worrying about what might happen we'd never get out of bed!!


              • #22
                Life's good because I have a lovely close family and they are, currently, all healthy.

                Life's good because I have a new lottie right next to the first one and I've space to grow loads more new things.

                Life's good because I'm two months away from getting my first hens - I've ALWAYS wanted some.

                Life's good because the calendar says that tomorrow's the first day of spring - even if the weather says otherwise.

                Life's good because this morning I became a tuber! (Although I accept that this means you've all suffered 500 of my posts- sorry.)
                Last edited by bluemoon; 20-03-2008, 12:48 PM.
                Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                • #23
                  Oooh, congrats BM - not much more woffling from me and I can rejoin you!!


                  • #24
                    Life is good because i went to plant my spuds yesterday and when i got there the man who delivers stuff for making compost with had dropped a big load on the plot so that is saturdays job first thing should three quarters fill one of the bins just hope the rain and snow keeps away jacob
                    What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
                    Ralph Waide Emmerson


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by piskieinboots
                      Life is good cos I just got back from the hospital where the man was taking pretty scans of the lump in my leg and it seems I may not need surgery - just a sodding great huge needle to remove it that my fellow Grapes is just the BESTEST well, for me obviously
                      congrats is it going to be a knit one pearl one job jacob
                      What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
                      Ralph Waide Emmerson


                      • #26
                        Oh yes life is good now I have my garden plot that is almost finished and 2 allotments to start on pew will have my work cut out on them but hard work is my motto.
                        I’m ½ way through my week of nights then get a lovely week off to get started on my allotments and spring is almost here yerrrrrrrrr
                        Life is so good just having all my new friends on the vine, without you all I would be stuck on how to get started and growing veggies
                        Smile and the world smiles with you


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