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Is it just me or....


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  • Is it just me or....

    does everyone else see potential seed pots EVERYWHERE??

    I am driving OH potty fishing things out of the bin and punching holes in things to see if they would make good containers. I have only recently started this obsession (about 4 days ago, lol) but have found that baby's yoghurt pots are brill and the pots that tomatoes come in from the supermarket (already have holes too!). Am about to experiment with the shallow box that my 3 yr old's raisins came in.

    Anyone else? And what has worked well for you?


  • #2
    small bottles with holes on the top make good portatile watering roses (useful for the seedlings in windowsills!), the trays where mushrooms come are good seed trays, wide shallow tubs, like those of mascarpone cheese are good pot trays, and the lids can be placed on the top of the pot as a propagator cover...


    • #3
      Do two discarded 'mop buckets' count?
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #4
        Blimey you guys buy exotic stuff ('cept Snadger - mop buckets I understand )

        I saved stuff last year for sowing in but Madmax had a clearout coz it didn't look like 'real' stuff to him. This year I have been buying fibre pots - they look garden related and are safe from the tidy-monster Love you Madmax!!
        Happy Gardening,


        • #5
          We're always complaing about over packaging from supermarkets, may as well make the most of it in the garden. The most useful item I've found is plastic milk bottles, they get used for allsorts.
          I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


          • #6
            Plastic bottles for watering aids, big 5/8 litre bottles for mini-cloches and anything wooden I'll try to recycle, I stop at building sites for pallets, old roofing lathes, whatever. Just finished the first fruit tunnel, completely recycled (fencing, fence posts and bamboo) except for the wire needed to tie it all together with!
            TonyF, Dordogne 24220


            • #7
              Thank God isnt not just me, I'm so relieved, I'm gonna tell the OH when he gets in, he was starting to think I'd gone mad. He absoultely hates be being off work as I fill he shed up with ''toot''!

              Plastic chinese take away carton with the lids, margarine tubs, meshy type waste bisbins (I put one spud in there yestrday) as my experiment

              Ikea blue bags are fantastic for the dump run and getting manure as they have got handles

              plastic popping paper for covering over delicates

              The new shopping baskets on wheels I found one in the street and now I carry my logs from the wood pile in that.

              Biscuit/ sweet tins

              sheets of polystyrine for insulation.

              AS you can see the list is endless


              • #8
                I also intend to use old drawers as mini raised beds for herbs


                • #9
                  I have two vending cup towers on my desk at work ready to go home and become mini pots. Every time I go to put something in the recycling bin I think to myself "what could I use that for?"...
                  A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                  BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                  Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                  What would Vedder do?


                  • #10
                    Its an addiction, my friends have started to call me Steptoe!


                    • #11
                      HW - that's a good idea. Coffee cups will no longer go in the bin (probably would need to be taken off before putting plants into ground though? - wouldn't rot down like loo roll holders?).

                      Have restarted collecting 2l pop bottles for mini cloches and watering "chutes". And have a large bag of LRH and kitchen towel holders for the next sowing session (first batch should be going into the ground any day now, once the forecast snow goes again!!). And I have 2 large cardboard boxes safely kept behind the recycling bin (conveniently "never saw them" last green bin day...hehehe) for ground cover around planned courgettes and squashes.


                      • #12
                        Altogether now..... underground, overground, wombling free! lalalalalalalalala
                        Live for something or die for nothing


                        • #13
                          Blimey haven't heard the word toot since my youth when me old cockney relations would get together for a natter!


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