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Seed buying (rant warning!)


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  • Seed buying (rant warning!)


    Yesterday decided to go to local GC to pick up some seeds (all flowers, one of this years 'crops' is flowers for the house and church)

    I was amazed to find that some seeds have their Latin name on,some the common name and (in one case) the same species from the same company appeared under both the common name and the Latin! (they were both Amaranthus caudatus, one packed says that, the other Love lies Bleeding, so filed under L). So, in order to find the seeds I wanted, I had to trawl the shelves for the Latin or Common name.

    To add to the fun, you then have to decide if you are looking for a 'herb' because they are in a different category altogether. Or maybe they count as 'wild flowers', in which case they are somewhere else again.

    It's not the fault of the GC, they can only put the packets out in alpha order as dictated by the seed companies.

    Needless to say, I only found one or two I needed and have now bought the rest online.

    It's a pity, because it shopping for seeds, I also managed to buy a few perennials(!) If I don't go shopping for the seeds, I won't pick up these 'extra' purchases and the GC loses my money.

    Anyone else have similar trouble?
    Growing in the Garden of England

  • #2
    I think some of us go off the pretty pictures on the front of the packet to locate them...and then choose the variety!!!!

    I have problems remembering the common names- never mind the Latin ones!!!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      I don't buy seed from garden centres: the temptation to buy something I don't need is too great. I have a list of what I need and then I buy online; or I save my own; or I get freebies.
      Yes, knowing all the names is confusing. Thank goodness for t'interweb
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        I never go to GC with the intention of buying seed - but I steal a glance at the pretty pictures on the front and then I'm sunk!! I only know the obvious flowers by name, the rest attract me by the piccies.
        Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


        • #5
          Kentvegplot.....I'm with you,
          I went looking for a treat for my cats....Catmint (Nepeta)....
          is it a flower?
          is it a herb?
          depends on supplier...
          found lemon catmine, shows a cat on front of packet, but gave me no clue as to wether this was the normal 'cat treat' catmint
          got mad and went home!
          found a plant the next day, can I take cuttings???


          • #6
            Says seed or splitting a rootball here Headfry.....

            Gardener's Network - Herbs : How to Grow Catmint Plants, Growing Catmint
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Thanks Nicos!
              I will try both. I dare not give it to the cats yet, they will eat it ALL, so very funny to watch though. well worth the �1.75 I paid for it!


              • #8
                mmmmmmmm seeds.
                Yo an' Bob
                Walk lightly on the earth
                take only what you need
                give all you can
                and your produce will be bountifull


                • #9
                  Get the Nip.

                  Originally posted by Headfry View Post
                  Thanks Nicos!
                  I will try both. I dare not give it to the cats yet, they will eat it ALL, so very funny to watch though. well worth the �1.75 I paid for it!
                  Just to let you know, if its not too late, don't bother with the lemon cat mint, they find it repulsive, the citrus smell upsets them.

                  Go with ordinary Cat mint.

                  To keep the plant crown safe from pussy's, place an upturned hanging basket mesh over the top, the cats destroy the bits growing through, plant crown stays safe and keeps growing.

                  Seed Shop Home

                  CATMINT Nepeta Cataria (Code 0736)
                  NEW! Cats are spellbound by toys filed with the aromatic dried leaves and flowers, they also love to lie on and chew plants in the border! Flowers in the first year from an early sowing. Some cats are unexcited by catnip but most adore its fragrance!
                  Contains 250 seeds approx.
                  Blogging at.....


                  • #10
                    Great tips seasprout, thank you. Yes I thought the lemon catmint showing a cat on front of packet was very misleading so did not buy!
                    cats and lemons don't work!
                    off to buy hanging basket mesh.


                    • #11
                      I don't (usually) get seeds from a garden centre either. BUT yesterday I went with some friends to a plant nursery - bought a few, as you do. Then while waiting for one to come back from the loo I espied Red Epicure broadies. (Red seeds - I think you have to steam cautiously to retain the colour for eating). Had to be done, didn't it? What I did today - sowed Red Epicure in modules.
                      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

             Updated March 9th - Spring


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