As just heard on Radio 2's Big Show: "A new survey conducted by grammar software firm All-in-One English Writing and Grammar Software | Advanced Grammar Checker | Innovative Spell Checker | Comprehensive Dictionary and Thesaurus has shown that most British people do not know how to spell basic everyday words. Some 40 per cent failed to correctly spell ‘questionnaire’, 38 per cent were stumped by ‘accommodate’ and 38 per cent were confused by ‘definitely’.
Half of the respondents claimed that their spelling was of a good standard. More than one in 10 said they did not think it was important to be able to spell and were also not bothered by colleagues’ mistakes.
“There is really no excuse nowadays when there are computer programmes to help check grammar, spelling, punctuation and content,” he added. (ANI)
Personally, I think that poor spelling is (usually) down to people not reading - we get information from television and the computer these days, people don't read for pleasure, and are simply not used to seeing different words or bothering to learn the meaning of differently spelt words, ie there/their/they're, prey/pray, advise/advice and weather/whether. They also get extremely defensive when pulled up on their bad spelling! Disclaimer: I am not talking about dyslexics.
Half of the respondents claimed that their spelling was of a good standard. More than one in 10 said they did not think it was important to be able to spell and were also not bothered by colleagues’ mistakes.
“There is really no excuse nowadays when there are computer programmes to help check grammar, spelling, punctuation and content,” he added. (ANI)
Personally, I think that poor spelling is (usually) down to people not reading - we get information from television and the computer these days, people don't read for pleasure, and are simply not used to seeing different words or bothering to learn the meaning of differently spelt words, ie there/their/they're, prey/pray, advise/advice and weather/whether. They also get extremely defensive when pulled up on their bad spelling! Disclaimer: I am not talking about dyslexics.
