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thanx for the seeds


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  • thanx for the seeds

    hi to every one

    im laura/mintee gforsters daghter i just want to say thanx for the genourus people like magpie for sending me seeds when we dident even ask them so thankyou to everyone out there that sent us seeds at there own acording. so thank you once more we are very very very very very very gratefull and we hope we hear from you soon and if there is any thing that you want we will give it to you

    a new member

    gforsters daghter



    Last edited by mintee; 04-04-2008, 09:43 PM. Reason: dident was spelt wrong i.e.did!!!!!

  • #2
    Your welcome, I hope they arrived safely, good luck with your project!
    Dont worry about tomorrow, live for today


    • #3
      I hope everything grows well for you Mintee. I've let Soobeth know you are there (I hope she picks up the post) so hopefully she will contact you. Hope you have a great growing season.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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