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  • Redundancy

    My oh found out yesterday that he may be redundant, he works for a smallish firm and in his dept 4 were told that 3 of them would have to go.
    This comes at a time when we thought at last we would be able to do things that we couldn't afford before. Our financial position was getting better, having lived in the same house for 20 years, we remortgaged a small amount last year, we don't drink or smoke neither do we take foreign holidays, our bills didn't rise as much because we overpaid last year.
    This is all because of the so called credit crunch, his firm have lots of orders but being in the building trade if clients cant get the money the work cant go ahead. Being in his early 50's it may be hard to get another job and also other firms will be thinking along the same line's, as people have left they haven't been replaced.
    All we can do is hope its not him, but feel for everyone in this position.
    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
    and ends with backache

  • #2
    What an awful situation to be in. I feel for you and your OH and hope that you find a way through whatever is thrown at you.


    • #3
      I feel so sorry for you and I hope that your OH is the one that still has his job.

      The same thing happened to us, OH was just a bit older (57) and I was 48. Ours turned out to be the best thing ever to happen.

      We sold up and moved here to France and our life is very good. It was difficult at first but everything worked out just fine for us.

      I guess that what I'm saying is that if the worst does happen, don't lose heart, keep your chin up and keep positive. Every cloud has a silver lining
      A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


      • #4
        Scarey's right. I hope it doesn't happen, but if it does treat it as a new start and take the plunge. Evaluate his skills - people always underestimate themselves. Hope it works out well.
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          What the others say!

          It is a daunting thing to have hanging over you both, try not to worry too much (very hard, I know) because worry doesn't change anything. Maybe you are right for a new start but wouldn't take it without it being put your way - if that makes sense


          • #6
            Fingers crossed for you that it all works out. There's a lot of nervousness and uncertainty at the moment, accross all industries.

            I don't have the life experience that those have who've already spoken (sorry, the kindest way I could say they're all older than me! ), but I would agree that it could be treated as a new start.

            Positive karma being sent your way.
            A simple dude trying to grow veg.

            BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

            Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

            What would Vedder do?


            • #7
              i maybe younger than your OH but its a comman thing now redundancy even in big companies. my first employers where going under so as not been there long applied for other jobs got one 4 weeks later that first company closed left the next one for a job with better money 1 year after leaving this company closed went back to college at night while working applied for better jobs and landed a job in a bank there 2 1/2 years but centralisation ment dept closed pregnant at time lucky where i lived ment i was in catchment for another dept got a premotion there for over 3 years now been made redundant again as this dept centralised also. gone back to college again to brush up skills as everything changes especially computers. also now took up fruit gardening it destresses gives me focus and as we buy alot of fruit long term will reduce food costs as i grow strawberries, raspberries, currents 3 year old bushes (all colours), blueberries, rhubarb, jap wineberry, gooseberries, cranberries, blackberries, gojiberries, and fruit trees 5 year old i really went all out since the redundance since sept 29 2007. Do treat it as a new start. it isnt the end of the world it the begining of a new one, i did a course and was told there is no such thing as a job for life anymore but there will always be someone requiring skills you have!!! goodluck.


              • #8
                We have had our ups and downs certainly over the last three - four years ,IE lost my mum and my sister, son divorced, other sister bankrupt the list goes on people say i should write a book !!! I would move abroad but oh wont, maybe i should leave him behind !!! Its not the first time he has been made redundant, 12 years ago when our daughter was born in fact, and he has always managed to get another job quite quickly. He has retrained himself by using computers. This job happens to be the one he likes the best, the pay and company benefits are exceptional and may prove hard to match or beat.
                One thing my Mum taught us is that you pick yourself up brush yourself down and get on with life. As she came from a very hard background being born in 1912 and brought up in an orphanage from the age of 5ish and lived to 92 years she must be right.
                Thanks to you all for your thoughts i will let you know the outcome, should hear next week.
                Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                and ends with backache


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                  ... I don't have the life experience that those have who've already spoken (sorry, the kindest way I could say they're all older than me! )
                  Cheeky young whippersnapper
                  A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by scarey55 View Post
                    Cheeky young whippersnapper
                    One thing's for sure - it'll come to the lovely Tall One before he can turn around - one day 21 - next day 52


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                      One thing's for sure - it'll come to the lovely Tall One before he can turn around - one day 21 - next day 52
                      I'm a big 32 I'll have you know!
                      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                      What would Vedder do?


                      • #12
                        You an your OH are at the perfect age to think about downsizing your life , take all the worries and financial stress out of your life and look at new ways of living life.
                        To many people work to live and forget about having fun in life , and if you have capital to use to downsize -move abroad or what ever takes your fancy then now is the perfect time.
                        As everyone says it's a beginning of life not an end been made redundant so chose what you wish to do with the rest of yourt life as it's easy to just work untill you get pensioned off and wonder what you did with your life.
                        ---) CARL (----
                        NORTH DEVON

                        a seed planted today makes a meal tomorrow!



                        now in blog form ! UPDATED 15/4/09


                        • #13
                          I dont want to downsize i want to upsize!!!!!! Our house is about 100 years old 4 beds but should be 3, terraced with small garden bought in 1988 for approx �55 Grand, now worth approx �230 grand with a small mortgage increased over the years for various reasons. I feel very lucky to get where i am today but this has been through hard work and determination, so I am very positive about the future.
                          As they say the girl done good !!!!
                          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                          and ends with backache


                          • #14
                            Hi Jackie, just read your posts. Sorry to hear about your problems, this is obviously a very worrying time for you both, but at least you are still positive and looking at alternatives. Hope things work out for you. Bernie aka DDL
                            Bernie aka DDL

                            Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                            • #15
                              Up date on OH redundancy. Apparently he wasn't one of the ones the firm were going to make redundant but it was done in such a manner that he thought he was.
                              He asked a friend that he used to work with if the company she works for had any vacancies , he used to work with the directors before they set up in business, and they contacted him for an interview as yes they did have a vacancy. Now he may be in a dilemma if he is offered the job and they match the money he is on, he will probably take it, although he likes it where he is it is an hours drive, the other is nearer but because of traffic congestion its no quicker just cheaper in fuel and footprint.
                              The firm he is with cant guarantee work and at the mo and when he finishes the job he is on he has no work waiting, whereas the other can guarantee work for a year.
                              No doubt he will make the right decision and go forward.
                              Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                              and ends with backache


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