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Membersip numbers going up


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  • #16
    Cracked the three hundred

    This forum just keeps getting bigger and better - membership now just over three hundred - surely this must say something about the quality of the posts and the info contained therein !

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • #17
      It's now February 2nd and membership is 350.
      I looked in the shops yesterday and the March copy of GYO is not out yet. I would imagine that numbers will go up again after shops re stock.
      I feel as though I want to read Aprils issue as I received my subscription a few days ago when to me February still felt like a week or more away.
      I know not all 350 members post, but I am sure that if they had a question and posted it then most Grapes would try to answer it for them. I know in the past one or two questions have been asked and the reply came a lot later when a new Grape joined who knew the answer. This leads me to firmly believe that having all threads visible for new Grapes to read if a fantastic idea.
      I get a gut feeling that in a years time someone will read something that was posted at the Grapevines birth and it will prompt them to post and in doing so bring the subject back in to the limelight for everyone to enjoy again.


      • #18
        It is good that the forum is going from strength to strength. I wish that the magazine would give the grapevine a good plug each month. Why do they publish magazines so early? The Christmas magazines come out at the start of November and now we are reading what we should be doing in March. Try buying a copy of March's magazine in March and you can't. It's bonkers.


        • #19
          I read the magazines a number of times. Last night I was reading January, February and March as they all contained information I needed to read again to prompt my memory. Having the magazine a month early gives me plenty of time to read and digest what I see and need to carry out in the garden.


          • #20
            Must admit it is a bit frusrating seeing what we need to do, but as I want to move my strawberry patch I was pleased to see the advice on planting strawberries. "Once the bed has been prepared it should be left to settle for a few weeks before planting" That means we can start that now. So it is useful to know some things a few weeks ahead then.
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jaxom
              We must have strong manure lurking in a corner of the forum. Today is the 2nd of December. I wonder how many new folks will have joined us by January 2nd 2006?
              It must be stong manure ... or Bullshtuff

              I have to agree with everyone, this isn't a forum, more of a cyberlottie. Always someone willing to help and advise .

              Andreew O,

              Just read your posting, is there know way you could get someone to build you some raised bed on a half plot - bit like they have ay Ryton gardens, they were designed for people in wheelchairs but something similar would work, then you could garden standing up/sitting down. Our plot was going to try this for someone who enquired but they didn't take the offer up in the end. I'm sure the council could get funding for this type of thing as have the fun is the banter that you get , not just the fruit & Veg.

              Never be afraid to try something new.
              Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
              A large group of professionals built the Titanic


              • #22
                I got a little plug in for Grow Your Own on the BBC site. They were asking about magazines and I suggested GYO. Then someone else came in with the web address. Every little helps. It wasn't blatant advertising!!


                • #23
                  Good going Lesley.
                  Word of mouth is always good. However like a good restaurant you only go back a second time if the food is any good and the atmosphere friendly.
                  I would like to think that although the grapevine is young, it gives grapes something to get their teeth into.


                  • #24
                    are you sending your garden in for the council gardening awards this year..I won an award for my allotment last year and attended a great night at the queeen elizabeth hall. The council judge gardens as well so get your name forward it increases the spirit when aiming for some nice....go for it and good luck ta ta caz
                    Last edited by caz1; 07-02-2006, 02:43 AM.


                    • #25
                      Brrr....thought I was cold sat here in the wee hours but I am more so now after reading your posting...I think your very brave at attempting, what am I saying attempting...doing I mean gardening and growing in such a bracing place...I'll bet its really rewarding though...Shetland always sounds sooo nice and lucky to live there, anyway ta ta (I know my reply is nothing to do with your question, just had the urge to reply...)


                      • #26
                        Membership of the 'Vine has increased by approximately 80 this month alone - 3 a day - not too shabby at all !

                        British by birth
                        Scottish by the Grace of God



                        • #27
                          they've obviouslly all heard about us Rat. You know what it's like when you're a celebrity
                          Never be afraid to try something new.
                          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by caz1
                            Brrr....thought I was cold sat here in the wee hours but I am more so now after reading your posting...I think your very brave at attempting, what am I saying attempting...doing I mean gardening and growing in such a bracing place...I'll bet its really rewarding though...Shetland always sounds sooo nice and lucky to live there, anyway ta ta (I know my reply is nothing to do with your question, just had the urge to reply...)
                            Just reading through some older postings - yes Cadz we are really lucky to live here, it really is a fantastic place, even if gardening is a trial! My biggest problem is that I am always optimistic I can grow plants and veg that should really only be grown in the south - but, always worth a try. I couldn't stand a diet of potatoes, cabbage, turnip and rhubarb!
                            Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                            ~ Mary Kay Ash


                            • #29
                              14 years later...........

                              Came across this really old thread from the earliest days of the Vine, when they were counting the membership in 10s and overjoyed when it reached 300!

                              One of those early posters was Nicos!!.

                              How we've grown since 2005.


                              • #30
                                How many are we now?


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