Snadger - sounds great - photos??!!
Muckdiva - well done you, you have every right to feel smug me thinks!!
Me - well, ermmm, shall we not go there?! Always go to the plot with a firm plan of which job is to be done or else it'll be more of a potter, look at the wildlife, see what everyone else is up to. When the job's done, or half done, then I can get sidetracked ... since I've only had a lottie for a few months there's plenty to sidetrack me (who said there are plenty of jobs as well!?!). Can't really have a vino - despite inheriting an old picnic table affair (the type with a table in the middle and a bench attached to each side) because I have to drive home and even though its only five minutes .... so I do that in the garden instead. Oh, and the poor garden ... I really must stop ignoring that in favour of the lottie!!!
Muckdiva - well done you, you have every right to feel smug me thinks!!
Me - well, ermmm, shall we not go there?! Always go to the plot with a firm plan of which job is to be done or else it'll be more of a potter, look at the wildlife, see what everyone else is up to. When the job's done, or half done, then I can get sidetracked ... since I've only had a lottie for a few months there's plenty to sidetrack me (who said there are plenty of jobs as well!?!). Can't really have a vino - despite inheriting an old picnic table affair (the type with a table in the middle and a bench attached to each side) because I have to drive home and even though its only five minutes .... so I do that in the garden instead. Oh, and the poor garden ... I really must stop ignoring that in favour of the lottie!!!