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Thank You Today....


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  • #16
    Thanks Heywayne.... HA HA HA! Humour. Get it?!
    High Five Mate! (see wellie hold up hand and get it smacked from a very very tall person)


    • #17
      Thanks to Mr Sheds for being abroad this weekend: I got to play out in the mud until gone teatime today - same again tomorrow
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #18
        Thanks to my Mum and Dad - both treasures - I love them so much! Although they are divorced they have no issue with being in my house at the same time to help me out - and they do help loads - I'm lucky to still have them both and dread the day I don't!

        And thanks to my ex....after a conversation last night...for reminding me why I love to not live with him any more!!!!!

        And thanks to all the Grapes - this forum is is the best! x
        Last edited by deezyb; 03-05-2008, 09:18 PM.
        "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


        • #19
          Thanks, Scarey55

          I fink I done it!



          • #20
            Yay, go Suet, go Suet, go Suet
            Last edited by scarey55; 03-05-2008, 11:02 PM.
            A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


            • #21
              Thank you to my mum & late father - for bringing us up to be polite, friendly and good human beings with the ability to speak nicely! (we didn't appreciate the "say 'th' not 'f'" and the "there is a 't' at then end of hot/vet/and in the middle of matter!' But we do now!!!) It paid off in the end!!!

              To my grandparents for introducing us to veg gardening - we grew up knowing what tomatoes/runners and raspberries are supposed to taste like, and for all the homemade lollies kept in the freezer and the bluebird toffee under the bed in the spare room!!

              To David for putting up with my irrational ways (I will only admit to these once!) and my ability to sulk like no other woman on earth - and to my beautiful, beautiful son, who made me complete, who gives the best hugs and kisses and who regularly sits in the car for 6 hours in one day and spent nearly every weekend for 9 months hanging around hospitals with barely a word of complaint when we went to see my mum! You are more than I could ever wish for!

              To my sisters and brother - don't think I could've coped last year without you all, my friends for making me laugh and listening to me wail! To all the grapes for you advice and making me part of the best forum on the web!!!

              I think I should write Oscar speaches - now there's a career!!

              How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


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