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Have you been naughty?


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  • Have you been naughty?

    I have. Just this week I have:
    • hung Mr Sheds' shirt back in the wardrobe without washing it
    • flung bindweed roots back over the fence where they came from
    • eaten the kid's ice-creams. All of them.
    • weeded someone else's allotment without permission
    • Gone to sleep without brushing my teeth (because I was eating ice-cream in bed with a good book
    • bought my paper from a chain instead of the corner shop - because she's a grumpy cow
    • thrown some leftover Larkspur seeds into next door's garden
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.

  • #2
    I took my 17 year old son to Sainsbury's with me, and had a bottle of whisky in the shopping Thankfully I got away with it!

    Humiliation at the checkout - a mother's tale | KentOnline| News
    I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
    Now a little Shrinking Violet.


    • #3
      As i work for tesco on the checkouts I use my initiative when selling anything that has an age limit, if it is obvious that adults are buying these products then I allow them to make the purchase,make sure the teenager doesnt touch the product as when my 11 year old daughter put something through the self service checkout for me and i was packing i was told i couldnt have it, however if young people come through together they MUST all have ID as we are not allowed to sell it. I think the person in your case was wrong and could have asked a supervisor. Anyone underage that works on a checkout must get the approval of a (18 plus ) supervisor.
      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
      and ends with backache


      • #4
        Have I been naughty?

        - I neglected the housework to spend the day in the garden
        - fibbed about being able staying to work the village hall bar last night and blamed it on OH
        - Actively cheered on my son in his swimming lesson dive for the rings game - only to find out that the runner up's dad was sitting next to me! (ouch!)
        - renamed my son's teacher 'mad-one' at home - her name real is madden! Was told off by OH

        Not deperately naughty - I must try harder!
        How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


        • #5
          accidently threw a dead mouse that the cat had brought to me ,into next doors garden oops!
          joanne geldard


          • #6
            Pretended not to be in when my sister came round, probably to borrow more money.
            Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!


            • #7
              Possibly - but I cant tell you about it
              There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who always will. Don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it in your future.


              • #8
                you know those stupid little bags for washing tablets - my lovely husband religiously puts the tabs in them and closes them up... he thinks it is Really Important.
                I just throw the tablets in with the washing and so he doesn't know, chuck the SLB in too. usually no probs. today, all the pillowcases coverd in washing tablet slime i didn't confess :lol:
                i will keep being a bit naughty. it's more fun that way.
                We bought the lad from Sunny Spain, He gets the ball, he scores again, Fernando Torres, Liverpool's number nine.


                • #9
                  I'm with Beefy on this one - most definitely been naughty but not for public consumption I'm afraid !
                  But then, there really isn't a day goes past that I completely behave myself anyway.

                  British by birth
                  Scottish by the Grace of God



                  • #10
                    I could tell you what I've been up to but then I would have to come round and silence you!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sewer rat View Post
                      I'm with Beefy on this one - most definitely been naughty but not for public consumption I'm afraid !
                      But then, there really isn't a day goes past that I completely behave myself anyway.
                      Yes grow old......................................................disgracefully!!
                      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                      Brian Clough


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post
                        Yes grow old......................................................disgracefully!!
                        I love the poem "When I am old I shall wear purple" - really sort of sums t all up !

                        British by birth
                        Scottish by the Grace of God



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sewer rat View Post
                          I love the poem "When I am old I shall wear purple" - really sort of sums t all up !
                          I think I posted that some weeks ago!
                          The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                          Brian Clough


                          • #14
                            Oh where is the poem please?

                            weeded someones plot. I was told they were going to give it up (to much for them) tried to help, they bit my head off for it!
                            I shall not give up being 'naughty' though I will be more careful!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Headfry View Post
                              Oh where is the poem please?

                              weeded someones plot. I was told they were going to give it up (to much for them) tried to help, they bit my head off for it!
                              I shall not give up being 'naughty' though I will be more careful!
                              Here you go:-

                              When I Am Old I Shall Wear Purple
                              When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
                              With a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
                              And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
                              And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
                              I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
                              And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
                              And run my stick along the public railings
                              And make up for the sobrietry of my youth.
                              I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
                              And pick flowers in other people's gardens
                              And learn to spit.
                              You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
                              And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
                              Or only bread and pickles for a week
                              And hoard pens and pencils and beer mats and things in boxes.
                              But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
                              And pay our rent and not swear in the street
                              And set a good example for the children.
                              We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
                              But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
                              So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
                              When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

                              ~Jenny Jacobs ~

                              Dont know about when i'm old, do most of it now Enjoy
                              The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


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