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  • #16
    I'm quite sad and my other main hobby is flying model helicopters.

    Until I was diagnosed colourblind my dream was to fly heli's in the forces, so model heli's are the next best thing.

    I used to play a lot of rugby at outside centre, until dislocating both my knees on separate occasions put paid to that, and now I'm confined to watching it and drinking the beer!

    I like cycling, and now both my kids can ride 'proper' bikes we are slowly kitting the family out so we can do more of it.

    I'm also planning to get myself another motorbike because I wish I'd never got rid of my old one! I'm quite traditional, and it has to be an air-cooled, four cylinder, four stroke!
    Veni, Vidi, Velcro.
    I came, I saw, I stuck around.


    • #17
      Originally posted by scarey55 View Post
      And that's a bad thing, because?
      ...I'm starting to lose things in the mess!
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #18
        Veg growing, sailing, jetskiing, power kiting, wine making, Fossil collecting and of course

        MY BEES!!!


        • #19
          Veg growing of course ;-), card making, knitting (socks - taught myself how two years ago, and haven't stopped yet - OH and relations dread Christmas and birthdays!!!), reading - generally books but now the Grapevine - can't keep away!! Oh, and sewing occasionally.


          • #20
            Gardening - esp veg, crochet, knitting, cross stitch, pyrography. Just starting to learn how to make quilts. Curtain making on occasion (making a set of pinch pleats for Mum at the mo). Keeping hens seems to have turned into a hobby! Does running the local Brownies count?

            Oh yeah - I make my own cards and I scrapbook too.

            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


            • #21
              The amount of time I have left seems to get less and less every year but I also try to fit in running, making wine, ferrets, and in the summer snorkeling.


              • #22
                Gardening obviously, cross stitch, reading, just starting on trying to make cards from my own photos so not sure that counts as a hobby, and my motorhome if that counts either? Then I guess just generally anything can be called gigglesome and smile enducing is worth a go Oh, and another just starting - making my own, as in relishes, sauces and the like but time is rather against me there at the mo!
                Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                • #23
                  I used to enjoy knitting and cross stitch but cos i have carpol tunnel I find it too hard, tho i have had an op on my right hand a few years ago, i also like reading and once i pick up a book i have to read till i finish it ( have been known to read one in a day ) at the moment I just enjoy being at the lottie.
                  Got to go now and pick grandson up from school he is staying the night.
                  Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                  and ends with backache


                  • #24
                    If you want to know what hobbies other grapes have, just click on their name and have a quick look at their public profile Mine says gardening, music and horses ... that's pretty close.
                    I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


                    • #25
                      Other than gardening and walking the dog my main hobby is entering competitions, I rarely win but I live in hope (as with gardening). Been trying to teach myself to watercolour paint, but seem to spend more time watching the programmes at the moment than actually painting. It would probably help if I could get to the end of the programme without falling asleep, but they're so relaxing


                      • #26
                        Sailing for me, just bought myself a new (1973!!!) boat.. and renovating houses
                        My Blog is here.../


                        • #27
                          Yay - loadsa card makers amoungst us. I also sell my card making equip and consumables on ebid. Ok so I have only just set that up and not much listed (same user id) but its cos I have just left ebay (feebay!) I also run 2 craft groups which will include doing a craft marquee for wellingborough carnival this year!!!
                          Tammy x x x x
                          Fine and Dandy but busy as always

                          God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done

                          Stay at home Mum (and proud of it) to Bluebelle(8), Bashfull Bill(6) and twincesses Pea & Pod (2)!!!!


                          • #28
                            Knitting, crochet, embroidery, baking, reading, collecting kitsch stuff from the 60s/70s.
                            I was feeling part of the scenery
                            I walked right out of the machinery
                            My heart going boom boom boom
                            "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                            I've come to take you home."


                            • #29
                              Sugarcraft - I love baking cakes for friends and can also make sugar flowers - I do a course and find it totally theraputic! I also used to cook as a form of relaxation - but now work as a chef again so find it a total chore!
                              How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


                              • #30

                                Hi!! Newbie here, and it says to introduce myself, but I couldn't find where they wanted me to do so... Well, I picked this one, hoping someone will read this.. It all started because a nasty snake just crawled across my feet while I was outside sitting on my back stoop... I thought I had heard an old wives tale, years ago, and was trying to remember what it meant.. Anyone know?? If it's bad luck, I really don't want to know.. It all happened so fast, I didn't freak out until about 4 minutes had passed... UGH... horrible way to start my day... I'm very happy I found this site.. I'm a friendly person, female, live in FL, but am not a transient.. I've been here for a long time, because my parents moved here, so my dad worked, then he got the C word and I moved here to be with them.. I have 5 sons, one who passed away at the age of 15 yrs, so I have 4 boys left.. Only one still lives at home, the youngest.. I love people, and as you can tell, I LOVE to talk... I hope someone writes me back, as I don't have any friends here, and I've made some wonderful friends on the computer....Thanks for taking the time to read this.... Have a wonderful day.... Cookie


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