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  • #31
    my hobbies include card making, been doing this for 2-3 years...have way too much crafting material!? I like doing my own canvasses, nothing fancy, pretty abstract stuff but my living room has my own stuff in it. love this forum and surfing the internet generally! i'm sure there are things that I don't call hobbies, but find time to do, as the house is never tidy - unless my mum comes to visit
    Last edited by deezyb; 07-05-2008, 07:34 PM.
    "A cat sees no good reason why it should obey another animal, even if it does stand on two legs."


    • #32
      My other hobbies have had to take a back seat just now as with two allotments and a recently taken on allotment secretaries job I have enough to keep me occupied for the time being.
      My list of 'when I can fit them in' hobbies include:-
      • Fruit, veg and flower gardening at allotment
      • Fly fishing for trout
      • Sea fishing from piers and shore
      • Metal detecting (mainly for archaeological finds or coins)
      • Car tinkering (Old Landrover and Rover P4)
      • Looking round antique fairs or car boot sales for bargains!
      • Selling books on eBay
      • Reading fiction and non fiction (mainly local history and epic adventure tales)
      • Walking my German Shepherd pup
      • Making engineering projects or woodworking projects
      • The grapevine
      • Winemaking
      • Like experimenting with old gardeniong ideas and new veg
      • Surfing the net
      • Watching newly released films (if they sound good)
      • Playing Chess (Haven't played for ages though)
      • Watching Premiership games of football and top class boxing events on the goggle box
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #33
        besides my allotment - our horse -so horse riding, painting, art galleries, reading - (sophie's choice at moment), photography, fell walking, walking dog, film


        • #34
          Horse riding, though not the kids pony as would squash it!!

          Used to play Rugby Union, Tighthead prop - due to injury and HMS, I now just watch the men!! boo hoo!!

          Reading - especially girlie stuff with a happy ending!! (chick flick rubbish)

          Working for myself, selling kids books with a business partner (trying to earn �1million in a year ha ha !!)

          and my new best hobby - growing my own veggies!

          Su :-)


          • #35
            card making ,reading,national trust working holidays,computer games.mountian biking.
            joanne geldard


            • #36
              I like to do jigsaws when I have the time, but unfortunately not got anywhere to put one at the mo and we eat our meals from the table so no joy there.
              I also read chick lit. I do weight watchers which is more a way of life than a hobby, but it does occupy my thoughts a lot!
              My children are one of my hobbies as I do enjoy them too!
              Keeping my chickens is a sort of hobby.
              Doing our new house up is a joint hobby - I tell OH what I want doing and he moans a bit and then it generally gets it done, lol. Knocking through the kitchen and dining and lounge is next.
              And I do like to surf the web a lot planing my next trips abroad (they normally stay at he planning stage though )



              • #37
                My other big hobby is Family History. Whichever hobby I am doing I like to get back to my roots!!!
                "A home without a cat is only a house"


                • #38
                  Cant believe I forgot to mention the main hobby which vies for my gardening time - amateur dramatics! On stage (preferably) - acting, singing (used to do a bit of movement - I hesitate to call it dancing, but cant breath and move at the same time these days) but also producing and directing and anything backstage from sound to props.
                  Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                  ~ Mary Kay Ash


                  • #39
                    Hobby combining!

                    Just pegging out the washing and realised I had a potential photo - Veg Plot with Quilt! This is our summer quilt, just having its wash and airing before we swap it for the duvet.
                    You can see the damson tree just to the left.
                    Attached Files
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • #40
                      Nice one Flum! I made a patchwork quilt for the bed a few years back & sewed it completely by hand & made matching pillowcases too, it took me a couple of years to make off & on so I'm not going to be entering into competition with you!
                      My other hobbies are painting & drawing, reading, taking photographs, watching wildlife, walking, watching T.V. (yes I'll admit to that!), & anything else I can fit in but at the moment I'm too busy with the garden & decorating. By the way my housework takes second place to hobbies also!
                      Into every life a little rain must fall.


                      • #41
                        Horses, used to be a dressage trainer, music, reading, used to do a little bit of silversmithing, going out on our Harley when the sun is shining.....


                        • #42
                          There's quite a few horsey types, here! I've got an exmoor pony and he's my main hobby, I suppose. I enjoy cooking, too and nature in general - I have a Natural History section in my house! It includes a deer skull, a fox skull, various types of rock, a dinosaur vertebra (from IoW), ammonites...

                          I like drawing and creating things (I make my own birthday cards).

                          I am doing up a victorian house, but that's not a hobby - sheer necessity as, quite frankly, the previous owners 'raped' the place!


                          • #43
                            Lovely quilt Flum- its huge!

                            I started one in 1975 - sadly it still lies in a bag unfinished.
                            Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                            ~ Mary Kay Ash


                            • #44
                              Sewing, making things out of stained glass; tiffany suncatchers and kiln fired candle holders, bowls & jewellery. knitting squares [havn't figured out how to knit other things yet] and dreaming of getting some hens.............................keep getting cold feet though


                              • #45
                                Too busy growing veg and running my veg box scheme to have much time for anything else, but also work as a bouncer on Friday and Saturday nights. Other than that I am either playing with my girls, trying to keep my own garden in check, or making soups, jams, chutneys or sauces for Farmers Markets. It'll all be worth cause one day Rodney, we'll be millionaires !
                                In the years before family, I drank too much, smoked too much, ate too many curries, climbed mountains in UK and Europe, did long distance walks and played and watched football.

                                British by birth
                                Scottish by the Grace of God



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