Hi Guys,
I am toying with the idea of buying a dozen acres or so of arable/green belt land and turning it into a commercial 100% organic allotment site.
Annual rents would be slightly higher (£30-50 a year) than the average council rates but would only really cover the repayment of the investment and management costs.
As well as allotments the site would benefit from an adventure playground, a small onsite shop full of all of the basics as well as tea and refreshments.
The idea is to take advantage on the huge demand for plots at present whilst providing somewhere for families to get stuck in and grow some organic fruit and veg.
This idea is still very much in it's embryonic form and any feedback or ideas would be very much appreciated.
I am toying with the idea of buying a dozen acres or so of arable/green belt land and turning it into a commercial 100% organic allotment site.
Annual rents would be slightly higher (£30-50 a year) than the average council rates but would only really cover the repayment of the investment and management costs.
As well as allotments the site would benefit from an adventure playground, a small onsite shop full of all of the basics as well as tea and refreshments.
The idea is to take advantage on the huge demand for plots at present whilst providing somewhere for families to get stuck in and grow some organic fruit and veg.
This idea is still very much in it's embryonic form and any feedback or ideas would be very much appreciated.