I never understood the idea of the half hour allotment. At our site some people spend all day every day on their plots, some can only manage far less - the thing is, a quick walk around the site and it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which plots belonged to which group. But talking of rockets, I think it's the rule that if you want to do the whole half hour allotment thing then you're only allowed to grow salad leaves.
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I'm a primate's father's brother so I am
I pulled about 8 leeks last night, having them for tea tonight...red pepper and leeks in cheesey sauce with roast spuds etc.
Seeds cost me �1.49 from Real Seeds, for 400 seeds.
in Sainsburys today, �2.45 for 3 leeks; they were about twice the size of mine, so say 6 of my leeks for 3 of theirs.
i only sowed about 1/10 of the real seeds leek seeds last year, and still have loads in the garden to pull up. They have been NO trouble at all, needed only some weeding.
So, even if only 300 of my leeks come up, at Sainsbury's prices it would cost me �122 to buy these leeks.
It cost me the �1.49.
Blooming marvelous, and I can let some go to seed every year for continuous seeds forever.
Does that help in any way at all???
Don't give up!!!
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