I'm praying for rain too. We are allowed to use a hose connected to the stand-pipe, but ours was pinched last summer (I'm quite smug about the fact that they probably never needed it) Our allotment neighbour (lovely lady) gave us her "second best" hosepipe to use until we could get another one, but some *******! has now stolen the connector thingy from it. Next weekend (payday) we are going to buy a flash professional job, with all the connectors and attachments we could desire, and we're going to get a wheeled reel so that we can drag it to the car and take it home every night, but until then I'm watering everything I can with the can and hoping it survives. There's no rain forecast here for the foreseeable future, except a 'possibility of a light shower', our butts are almost empty, so the watering can has to be filled from the stand-pipe - a fair old walk - and everything except seedlings, which are getting most of the TLC, is looking more than a bit parched. I remember being in a similar position last year though, but so early in the season that the water hadn't been switched on, and praying for rain then too.......sadly my prayers were answered.
No announcement yet.
Water Shortage !!!
No rain here for ages - and still none. Our underground tank at the plot is half way down now. I'm only watering new plantings though. When I make a hole to plant in I can see that the soil is damp down there. As long as I wash the roots down to the damp layer the plants will cope. Better thank sprinkling them every night which encourages the roots to spread near the surface. This makes them even more vulnerable to a hot spell.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
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