My washing machine broke down at the beginning of the week leaving me with a HUGE pile of washing that was getting bigger every day. In desperation I put an ad on freecycle and got offered another one. Hubby went to collect it last night. I ran it on empty on a boil wash just to check it out and it seemed fine. Put a load in overnight, then woke up at 5am and put another one in. All ok so far. Just put another load in and thought I'd pop to the shops leaving my eldest lad (18) here with my youngest lad (11). Both were upstairs in their bedrooms asleep. I got to the end of the road and realised I'd left my purse behind so turned round. When I came in I could smell this horrid smell, and there was thick smoke everywhere. I ran into the utility room and the washing machine was belting out smoke and making the most horrendous noise. If I hadn't have turned round, I hate to think what could have happened. I'm still shaking