Originally posted by areia
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Nine things.....
A simple dude trying to grow veg. http://haywayne.blogspot.com/
BLOG UPDATED! http://haywayne.blogspot.com/2012/01...ar-demand.html 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
Originally posted by pigletwillie View PostErm, I can only change channel with the remote control on my tv.A simple dude trying to grow veg. http://haywayne.blogspot.com/
BLOG UPDATED! http://haywayne.blogspot.com/2012/01...ar-demand.html 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
People who can't take 10 seconds to think outside the box!
Yes, I'm sorry my son got in your way, sorry he's singing unreasonably loudly, sorry we had to stop suddenly making you walk round us, sorry we took a long time at the till because he needed everything done in a particular order. I did apologise to you, did you think for one moment that he might have special needs and that we're coping as best we can? And that your tutting and muttering, not to say downright rudeness, only makes it an even harder and slower process?
Oooh, feel better for that little rant!Not directed at anyone here, obviously!
I was feeling part of the scenery
I walked right out of the machinery
My heart going boom boom boom
"Hey" he said "Grab your things
I've come to take you home."
People who say -
"You look better" , ie: you have had a haircyt, lost weight, new glasses etc.
also, "you look well" in order words "you look fat"!!!!
also "you have big feet dont you" - answer to that "yes and you are bloody ugly"!!!
When having twin babies - one pink and one blue !!!! Whilst trying to shop in tesco's - all other comments actually said by me in return!!!!
"are they twins" - NO THEY ARE 5 DAYS APART!!!!
"are they identical" - NO HE HAS A WILLY & SHE DOESNT!!!!
"Bet you hate shopping & everyone stopping you" - YES GET OUT OF MY WAY I NEED TO SHOP!!!!
"arrrr IVF!!!" - NO TOTALLY NATURAL THANKS - SHALL I TELL YOU HOW! - they scurry off!!!!
"your son shouts a lot did you hit him" - NO HE HAS ASPERGERS & DOESNT LIKE YOU STARING AT HIM!!!!!!!!
need i go on.............................. lol!!
People who sit at 40mph no matter where they are - country lanes, outside schools. Completeley oblivious.A simple dude trying to grow veg. http://haywayne.blogspot.com/
BLOG UPDATED! http://haywayne.blogspot.com/2012/01...ar-demand.html 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
Originally posted by smallblueplanet View PostPeople with no empathy.A simple dude trying to grow veg. http://haywayne.blogspot.com/
BLOG UPDATED! http://haywayne.blogspot.com/2012/01...ar-demand.html 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
Originally posted by pigletwillie View PostErm, I can only change channel with the remote control on my tv.Originally posted by piskieinboots View Postyou lazy tike!
Originally posted by Seahorse View PostPeople who can't take 10 seconds to think outside the box!
Yes, I'm sorry my son got in your way, sorry he's singing unreasonably loudly, sorry we had to stop suddenly making you walk round us, sorry we took a long time at the till because he needed everything done in a particular order. I did apologise to you, did you think for one moment that he might have special needs and that we're coping as best we can? And that your tutting and muttering, not to say downright rudeness, only makes it an even harder and slower process?
Oooh, feel better for that little rant!Not directed at anyone here, obviously!
Originally posted by squashysu View PostPeople who say -
"your son shouts a lot did you hit him" - NO HE HAS ASPERGERS & DOESNT LIKE YOU STARING AT HIM!!!!!!!!
need i go on.............................. lol!!The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!
i go to a wedding on friday see someone i haven't seen for ten years convo goes like this
me " finaly someone i reckonise"
mate " oh my god hey how are you, you look really well, you have lost sooooooooo much weight"
me " um you trying to say i was fat, i havent changed im still the same size i was when we last saw each other " ( im a blunt person me,)
mate" well you look great "
was really strange its the first time someone has said to me i have lost so much weight, if i lost any more i would be fresh air, (im thin always have been)
in the end i know she didnt mean it i just heard the lost weight bit and read to much into it,we had a great time catching up,
which leads me on to
wow your sooooooooooo skinny
i find it very very hard to not to say woooooooow your so fat (why cant i say it ah thats it because its upseting, im very blunt but only to those who know me well unless its someone whos p***ed me orf )
im sorry but i was picked on all through primary school because i was tall and skinny,
lanky skinny witch was the most common one
mortica, (i wasnt even a goth well not till i hit 15i miss that phase )
us "skinny" gals cant win i watched many women say to my mum as i was growing up wow i wish i was a thin as you, this diet im on is going great, only to say next week oooo you are looking thin you need to eat more,
so while we are helping obese people spare a thought for the fact even skinny people have problems too taken me years to be happy with who i am and i must admit that gok guy on telly is amazeing no matter what shape or size we are we can look good
ok sorry rant over i love people, animals are best they love you no matter how you look,
Parents who belt along in their car at 40mph past a school, with kids in the back of the car, cigarette in one hand and a mobile phone propped against their ear.
One wonders what they'd say about the person doing the same thing that ran their kid over outside their school/house (hypothetically speaking of course!)
Yes, I saw this person last night - in fact I see quite a few like this most nights I'm sorry to say.
Makes my blood boil!A simple dude trying to grow veg. http://haywayne.blogspot.com/
BLOG UPDATED! http://haywayne.blogspot.com/2012/01...ar-demand.html 30/01/2012
Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.
What would Vedder do?
Rude people on bus's generally..........
Mainly including
music playing loudly on mobile phones, why don't they use some F'ing headphones... YES my words to the last personwho did it, and I use an ipod I got sick of having to half deafen myself turning the volume up to listen to my music
People that don't give up seats that are less able to stand or those that occupy the priority seats for those less able etc grrrrrrrrr
Rant over
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