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River Cottage Spring


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  • #61
    Originally posted by Chillimad View Post
    And what meat is Susan going to try tonight
    braised brain


    • #62
      Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
      braised brain

      Ummm lovely The veggie bit sounds worth watching though


      • #63
        I joined Hugh's chicken out campaign and ever since have been bombarded with asking for � donations or if I will boycott Tesco shareholders (er hum I have shares..) etc etc - all I wanted to do was show my concern for animal welfare. I do prefer his old river cottage show, so dream like - this new series is ok but that butchers apprentice is just eye candy and not much between her ears. He ought to focus more on vegetable production, we all eat too much meat.


        • #64
          I can't see the problem with offal tbh, ok lungs I wouldn't eat, tripe, I had enough as a kid, hearts...well they have an "alternative" use in my house. Liver and kidney I LOVE. Liver is one of my favourite foods, braised, curried, casseroled, with bacon and it.


          • #65
            Originally posted by petal View Post
            I joined Hugh's chicken out campaign and ever since have been bombarded with asking for � donations or if I will boycott Tesco shareholders (er hum I have shares..) etc etc - all I wanted to do was show my concern for animal welfare. I do prefer his old river cottage show, so dream like - this new series is ok but that butchers apprentice is just eye candy and not much between her ears. He ought to focus more on vegetable production, we all eat too much meat.
            Really? Joined that too but don't get mithered at all - perhaps there was a box I ticked to avoid all that.

            Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

            Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


            • #66
              Best episode of this series IMHO tonight, Susan only got 8 minutes of fame, almost like the original River Cottage.


              • #67
                hopefully next week it will only be 4 mins of 'fame'!!

                ooooh so can't wait to try his beans on toast - I have bread, I have bacon, I have spring onions ...hell yes I even have broad beans in meeee garden


                • #68
                  Originally posted by petal View Post
                  I joined Hugh's chicken out campaign and ever since have been bombarded with asking for � donations or if I will boycott Tesco shareholders (er hum I have shares..) etc etc - all I wanted to do was show my concern for animal welfare. I do prefer his old river cottage show, so dream like - this new series is ok but that butchers apprentice is just eye candy and not much between her ears. He ought to focus more on vegetable production, we all eat too much meat.
                  I did join the campaign, but never heard anything. I must admit - I do prefer the old River Cottage - that's the reason I got started in GMO - but am happy to watch HFW - after all, these things have to develop - and if using a TV programme like this (and the others) makes people, and supermarkets etc more aware then all to the good.
                  Bernie aka DDL
                  Bernie aka DDL

                  Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                    hopefully next week it will only be 4 mins of 'fame'!!

                    ooooh so can't wait to try his beans on toast - I have bread, I have bacon, I have spring onions ...hell yes I even have broad beans in meeee garden

                    Next week ,,, Nah sure that he said this was her last appearance Horay .

                    And I for one am deffinately going to have beans on toast,,, in 30 minutes


                    • #70

                      Originally posted by dexterdoglancashire View Post
                      I did join the campaign, but never heard anything. I must admit - I do prefer the old River Cottage - that's the reason I got started in GMO - but am happy to watch HFW - after all, these things have to develop - and if using a TV programme like this (and the others) makes people, and supermarkets etc more aware then all to the good.
                      Bernie aka DDL
                      I agree DDL although I was originally inspired by John Seymours book 33 years ago. Many, many side roads later, I'm back to where I started!

                      I also joined the Chicken Out Campaign but have not been pestered.

                      Isn't this where we came...


                      • #71
                        Never sawed it last night, was watching a programme on mahoosive babies! Shocking.

                        Mum - "I hope he doesn't grow up to be fat like me, and be bullied at school"

                        This was said of a kid who at two is twice the size of his peers, who was filmed walking around shops with his mother munching on a bag of crisps. Then shown later that day after having been "swimming" was fed a burger, smiley face thingys and chips along with 4 sachets of ketchup!

                        I think I should have watched Hugh.

                        Oh, and that's not to mention the mother who was feeding her 1 year old chips - and she was almost bragging that he could almost eat a whole bag to himself!?!?!!!!!

                        A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                        BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                        Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                        What would Vedder do?


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
                          Oh, and that's not to mention the mother who was feeding her 1 year old chips - and she was almost bragging that he could almost eat a whole bag to himself!?!?!!!!!
                          that is as sickening as watching that 4-month old baby be fed a burger


                          • #73
                            I watched hugh, I enjoyed it, I too joined chicken out and didnt get pesterd.

                            hey wayne, a friend of our BIL and SIL have a 1 year old who wieghs the same as our 5 year old nephew! he gets given food to shut him up the parents think that when he starts walking he will be fine! walking? how on earth do they expect him to be able walk carring that much wieght? It should be classed as abuse to feed your kids in that way.
                            Yo an' Bob
                            Walk lightly on the earth
                            take only what you need
                            give all you can
                            and your produce will be bountifull


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                              hopefully next week it will only be 4 mins of 'fame'!!

                              ooooh so can't wait to try his beans on toast - I have bread, I have bacon, I have spring onions ...hell yes I even have broad beans in meeee garden
                              same here just waiting for my beans to come through any week now lol

                              rain rain go away (2009)

                              rain rain rain (2010)


                              • #75
                                I watched River cottage, in between the apprentice your fired, I don't see the point of trying to turn a vegetarian into a meat eater. We are what we are, I think it would have been more appropriate to get people who only eat the best cuts to try the chump and blade and neck, and scrag end etc. To get a veggie to eat that seemed a pointless journey, and how does learning butchery benefit her!

                                I think they have turned the show into a cross between reality tv and a protest march. I didn't join his chicken out campaign, although I have not purchased a non free range bird since. I like factual documentaries, and I like cookery programmes, I even like some reality tv, but am I liking this series, no not much....

                                The bits I like best are his wild foraging meals, they are so much more informative and interesting than the rest.
                                Last edited by Mikey; 12-06-2008, 10:13 AM.
                                I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


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