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Mossie biters


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  • Mossie biters

    Has anyone got any tried and tested ways to stop the mosquitoes biting my OH. They dont bother me one bit, but my OH suffers alarmingly with mossie attacks, bless him!! Ive suggested eating marmite sarnies, but he's one of the 'hate it' of the love it or hate it peoples.

  • #2
    One of the best ways to protect your body is to cover it. Wear long sleeve shirts, trousers, and a hat to cover exposed skin. Tuck in your shirt. Mosquitoes are good, but they're not good enough to bite through cotton.

    Entomologists recommend saturating your body with B-1 vitamins. You can't overdose because B-1 is water soluble. Plus, only insects, not fellow humans, will be repelled by the body odor it causes you to broadcast. The secret, though, is to begin taking the vitamin before you go out into the woods--days before you go out so you can get a good odor going before hitting the bush. Remember too that mosquitoes are the most active at night, so if you're going to a night concert in a couple of days, begin your B-1 now.

    Eat plenty of garlic in foods or take garlic pills. Not only good for your health, but noxious to insects. Rub some apple cider vinegar on exposed skin to keep away pests. (Also works on sunburn, so my mother says.) Crush fresh parsley and rub it on the skin. Try spraying Avon's Skin-So-Soft bath oil spray on exposed skin. Some folks swear by it. Some don't. Mosquitoes
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3

      I assume we are talking about getting bitten on the allotment.
      I got bit twice, I was wearing shorts on both occasions. I dont know what bit me, but my legs did swell up.
      The second time I was bit in the middle of my calf muscle and even my ankle was swollen. I did heal ok without medication though, dont like taking medication.
      Not sure if it was a allergic reaction or infection.



      • #4
        Poor thing!

        My mum & sis are allergic to mozzie & midgie bites, my dad & I are not. I agree with twosheds - cover up! You can buy mozzie nets in camping shops. Also have some antihistamine cream handy to slap on bites a.s.a.p.
        Last edited by heebiejeebie; 01-06-2008, 08:37 AM.
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        • #5
          agree with Two sheds re garlic & cover up;also try & have piriton @ hand $ when you do get bitten;Andi really swells up bad with both mossies&wasp stings,when he dug up a wasp nest & got stung several times I made him take some piriton straight after & no reaction.
          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tigerella View Post
            I assume we are talking about getting bitten on the allotment.
            is that a euphemism? sounds painful
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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