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Will be back soon


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  • Will be back soon

    Thanks to all who have emailed and sent me private messages asking why I have been absent from the forum. Have been gone for a few reasons: (1) I dropped my laptop and the insurance company/repair company have taken an age to get it back to me (nearly 4 weeks), (2) Getting closer and closer to the wedding, so have been busy with that, and; (3) Bad news about my back, saw a consultant, the only way they can ease the pressure on my nerves (appears the disc blew on both sides and has forced the nerves in to a limited space) is to cut sections out of my backbone - there's a 1.5% chance of nerve damage and loss of bowel/urinal control. They told me the pain in my back would remain and my back would be 10% weaker. The upshot is, I could lose all nerve control in my legs if I have it, I could lose it if I don't. Don't you love those odds? You have to laugh. I have taken a long time to think about it and won't be having the operation, let's see if time will make me better.

    So, these are a few of the reasons I have been missing, I have sat in my garden looking at things grow and remembering that things aren't always as bad as they seem.

    Will be back soon (no pun intended) - love to hear off anyone else who has the same problem as me, whether they took the operation or chose to to play the odds.
    Best wishes
    Harbinger of Rhubarb tales

  • #2
    Sorry to hear the news about your back Anderwo. Hopefully things will get better for you.

    At least you have the wedding to look forward to eh? I can't remember when it is? Got everything under control with the plans?

    "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


    • #3
      Andrew I am so sorry that your back has gone so bad. I assumed that you had been away from the grapevine because your lap top was broken and it was proving too painful to use your other computer.

      As Shortie says you do have your wedding to look forward to next month. What date in August is it? Be sure to take care.


      • #4
        Thought it had been quiet on here and now I know why!

        Good luck with whatever you choose to do about your back. I can't offer info about your specific problem but perhaps I can offer advice re choices.

        My OH needed to see a consultant last year, who said the only way to deal with the problem is major surgery. I wasn't happy with this as I'd done research on the net prior to the consultation, but apparently the non-major surgery 'cure' I'd read about didn't work. Oh really????

        Well the long and the short of it was we went back to our doctor and asked for another different consultation to be arranged, and then had an only slightly invasive operation done that left a whole body and they're doing fine.

        Well it may be that the 'cure' isn't a total success, an MRI scan in 6 months will tell but it was an option not offered by the original consultant who seemed very keen on cutting open and removing huge bits of people!!!

        So research, research, research is all I can say - good luck.
        Last edited by smallblueplanet; 12-07-2006, 09:54 PM.
        To see a world in a grain of sand
        And a heaven in a wild flower


        • #5
          Andrew - sorry to hear the news about your back. Let us know the date of the wedding - can't be far off now.

          Good luck - whatever decision you decide to take.
          Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
          ~ Mary Kay Ash


          • #6
            Thanks everyone, I am using my partner's PC but it is hard to sit at for long. The wedding is the 26th August - looking forward to it and then the honeymoon in the states, we are going to Las Vegas (MGM), then I have hired a car to take us up to San Francisco via the Pacific coast road.

            I am researching my condition and trying to find stuff on relieving pressure on nerves and pain control - if anyone comes across anything (my internet research has been curtailed for now) I'd be grateful, just pm me, thanks.
            Best wishes
            Harbinger of Rhubarb tales


            • #7
              Sorry to hear about your back. I thought you had been quiet.
              I wish you all the best with the wedding, though I'm sure we'll hear from you before then.


              • #8
                Sorry to hear about your lappy and back, I really hope that it all works out for you. Backpain is horrid at the best of times but faced with major surgey, your a brave soul. Vegas I hope you enjoy I was there in March on business and stayed in the MGM, the tram runs from the hotel up and down the strip and you can visit all the sights really easy (it's cheaper than taxis too). At the MGM be sure to visit the Zoo, you won't miss it just keep walking through the casino. The strip at night is really amazing and be sure to see the fountains, you might have to wait a while but its well worth it!


                • #9
                  Hi Andrew, sorry to hear about your problems. I think yoy're doing the right thing. All too often consultants want to cut you open without giving the problem some time to settle.
                  Good luck with your wedding.We stayed in Las Vegas a few years ago and did what you are going to do. We hired a car and drove up to San Fran via the Big Sur around the coast. The scenery is breath taking. Be sure to visit Monteray and Coronado on the way, its well worth it.
                  Good Luck.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • #10
                    Hello AndrewO, we did miss you here and wondered what was happening. Very best wishes for you wedding. As for your back - keep optimistic. If you can't find a total cure then I do hope you can find a level you can live with. Best wishes, Alice. x

                    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                    • #11
                      All the Best Andrew for both your conditions

                      I guess the No-operation tack means that if they make any major progress in research int he future means theat you may be able to recieve that & return to a "normal" life whereas if yo have the OP your nacked from day 1 (keeping options open I guess is what I'm trying to say).
                      Never be afraid to try something new.
                      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


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