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  • #16
    The ad. for the water sensor thing ,I find,was part of an ad. for a book which I will send for and post the details.
    I do love this sort of book! The water sensor thingy will get rid of "pesky critters" (American do you think?)
    Anyway one of the tips in this book reccomends tickling your tomato seedlings with a feather.Apparently this aggitates the seedling (well it would me!) and makes it stronger and more able to withstand the outside world!
    I will let you into the rest of the secrets as soon as I get the book!!


    • #17
      they dont like citrus smell either

      buy some lemon oil and put a couple of drops onto teabags where there like to pooh

      other tip is laying chicken wire if practical


      • #18
        I have to use chicken wire on my houseplants to deter the cat (I have a lot of big houseplants), any semi full compost bags left unattended are fair game but outside soil - far too rough for her precious bottom!


        • #19
          the water scarer things work really well, my parents had one on their pond ..... unless you have a cat like mine, that follows you round when out with the hose pipe so you can spray him ...... citrus peel does work for a while, but needs replacing frequently, never tried mothballs, but theres some stuff you can get from shops like wilkies (i should have shares in that place) called scent off, which is supposed to keep them away too, never tried it though .... or theres lion poo,or maybe wolf poo? which is supposed to be really good ...... or get a dog, mine hates strange cats in her garden ...... i never seem to get any cats in my garden except mine, and his mate.

          Lynda xx
          Last edited by lynda66; 23-06-2008, 01:29 AM.


          • #20
            My own cat has taken to pooing and weeing next to my parsnips. Now, we're close, but not that close. If the cheeky little sod wasn't nursing an abscess he'd be in trouble! At least the soil is well aerated... Might try the lemon juice on teabags trick.


            • #21
              I think I may of sorted out my problem.
              In aremote corner of my garden I made a raised bed[1m x 1m] and filled it with compost.
              The cats seem to use this as there loo now and leave my garden alone.Keeping my fingers crossed.
              The greatness comes not when things go always good for you,but the greatness comes when you are really tested,when you take,some knocks,some disappointments;because only if youv'e been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.


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