Turns out united utilities want to dig up my "service patch" in my front garden to replace a leccky cable that is "old".
OK, fair enough - I knew this when I bought the house in 1995....
Earlier this year re-did my rockery so the garden looks lovely (if I could remember how to post photos I would do).
Spoke to the i/c at united utilities today - he couldn't give a damn! I told him about the 400+ bulbs in rockery - got a grump!
Even worse! I told him about the coal tits nesting in the trees about to fledge - no response!

I was expecting something like this - the rockery - OK, but a sympathetic supervisor would be nice. Basically, I'm going to loose the rockery...
I'm not a happy bunny - I'm hopping mad!!!
Has anyone had a similar experience? What devastation are they going to cause on my front garden?

PS Giving Dexter biting and barking lessons this evening!...............
