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think before you post


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  • think before you post

    I'm a recent newcomer to this forum. I don't want to upset or alienate anyone but I am surprised sometimes about the information that I gather about other grapes children from reading their posts ie names, ages, area where they live. I think that if I was unscrupulous and a predator I could easily trace some of them. I don't even have to be a member to read the information! i just have to access the site and trawl through them.
    We all are disguising our identity through the names we use to display posts but can still if not careful give out other information that gives others clues as to where we live etc. I don't want to be a party pooper but please be careful about the information you give out....once it's in the public domain you no longer have control over it.
    I'll now step back down off my soap box and get back to gardening!

  • #2
    Originally posted by fleursotheforest View Post
    I'm a recent newcomer to this forum. I don't want to upset or alienate anyone but I am surprised sometimes about the information that I gather about other grapes children from reading their posts ie names, ages, area where they live. I think that if I was unscrupulous and a predator I could easily trace some of them. I don't even have to be a member to read the information! i just have to access the site and trawl through them.
    We all are disguising our identity through the names we use to display posts but can still if not careful give out other information that gives others clues as to where we live etc. I don't want to be a party pooper but please be careful about the information you give out....once it's in the public domain you no longer have control over it.
    I'll now step back down off my soap box and get back to gardening!
    Scary man/woman



    • #3
      I hate to be a party pooper Fluersoftheforest, but i think people can trace children anywhere not just a forum!!! They could just stand outside a school or look on Facebook, My Space, etc etc, not just a gardening forum!

      By they way Geo "Ditto" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        a very strange post , same as above a peedo will just take any kid any where dont think they will go to the hassle of going on here and then tracing one down

        rain rain go away (2009)

        rain rain rain (2010)


        • #5
          Hmmmm, I have and so do many use the seed swap.

          Isn't that just a little more dangerous!

          I won't stop now, as I doubt anyone else will!

          Livin on the edge


          • #6
            Yep the worlds a scary place!the poor girl in London that got stabbed yesterday had the misfortune of meeting her attacker in church!short of only taking our children out with paper bags on their heads & refusing to talk to ANYONE unfortunately we\they may stumble upon "undesirables"anywhere.although i understand the internet can and does attract many weirdos I think the media have turned it into more of a scare story than need be almost to the point that the real threats are sometimes overlooked.when*^$�":@~was younger,we found out a convicted peado had been living opposite us for nearly a year,(became common knowledge once he'd gone & the threat removed!)other than our run down rented shack quite a well to do neighbourhood,!yep the worlds a scary place,but i dont see that letting slip my childrens names is any different to calling their names when theyve run a little further ahead than i'd like!
            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


            • #7
              I think it's reasonable advice to be cautious about the personal info you give out online. Some people do hang about to find out as much information about people as they can, for a variety of reasons.

              Can't really see grooming happening on this site though... unless it's advice re chickens.


              • #8
                it is a fact that more children are abused by someone that knows them, someone i know was abused by their neighbour for years, their parents didnt know and they used to leave the child in the care of the neighbour when they went shopping!!!!!!!!!!

                Sometimes it is in your backyard, not on a forum for growing your own, anyhow i may put a child's name on here and who is to say that it is actually their name, i may be using a fake name??

                (ps. this isnt even my real name!!!!) I am actually called Ermintrude!


                • #9
                  Now we know we can find you on the magic roundabout!!
                  the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                  Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                  • #10
                    I know what you think you are saying, Fleursotheforrest BUT I don't think anybody on this forum is giving out information that will put their children in danger. There is more information about us in the telephone directory.

                    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                    • #11
                      Time for bed said Zebedee!!!! Boing boing boing!!


                      • #12
                        Fleur, aren't you being just a little bit paranoid? This is a friendly forum, and I don't think anyone has ever given out their exact location, date of birth, number of children, etc. Predators will find victims without the help of a site like this. Prime culprits are the website kids use, like Bebo, Myspace, etc.


                        • #13
                          might be fun to give the kids code numbers

                          trying to remember who belongs with who might be a bit of a task though


                          • #14
                            Great idea,, can I be first to start it ?,, well chillimad6109 is number one son and chillimad6111 number 2 son,, secret password = cm=madman


                            • #15
                              I don't think your average paedophile will want the hassle of tracing kids via this forum. I know the names of just about every child (and dog, actually) on my street simply through hearing them called and would imagine that this is a far easier way for an unscrupulous person to gain information. Having said that, if someone has given details of their kids here then agrees to meet another member they should probably be a little cautious, a friend of mine ran into problems a few years ago in similar circumstances.
                              Last edited by bluemoon; 04-06-2008, 08:26 PM.
                              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


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