took my little girl(NEARLY6)to the lottie to put the chooks to bed,got sidetracked by a bit of digging which she decided to help with,after several minutes of digging her litle hole she wondered how long it would take to dig to heaven?!
we've never really chatted about heaven(plagued myself with a childhood of nightmares re hell)so wondered where she'd got the notion that heaven was underground?her answer was thats where we bury dead people&animals so must be where heaven is!deep down I know it's the start of many a tricky question but for now what a wonderful idea.
bless her!BTW.we've already had the "what happens when the last person dies?"&"how did the 1st person get born?"!!my little girl the deep thinker!as long as she doesnt expect mummy to have ALL the answers!?