Up until now I've managad to convince myself that the MMR "scare" was just that.both my children have had the vaccine & my eldest had her pre-school booster.(I used to work with a lady who was permanently braindamaged by measles when she was 2~rsult being that after 2yrs of a normal life she then went on another30yrs in a wheelchair,stopped growing&had no speech~a risk i wasn't prepared to take with my children~the vaccine wasnt around when she was a child,)Anyway,last week i got the letter saying Ash is due his pre-school booster.before he had his MMR he was making several attempts at speech & could say a few words,after his MMR everything became "d""d""d".I chose to dismiss this could have been a reaction to MMR,at the time felt we'd done the right thing,but now even tho 90%of me still thinks it's safe & the speech thing was a coincidence there's that small % of me terrified that it was a reaction to the MMR & having the booster could put his speech back again or @ worst have a worse affect.(he's been seeing a speech therapist & since christmas coming on from only making "d" sounds to mastering most)I've chatted to several proffessionals getting a variety of answers just wondered if anyone on here has any experiences or knowledge they can share?I'm so proud of how well he's done with his speech & can't bear the thought of it being taken away from him again.1st time I can convince myself that we took on board lots of opinions & opted for what we were assured was safe,but if it happened again i couldn't handle the guilt.
No announcement yet.
MMR concerns
the risks of catching the disease should outweigh anything ...... my uncle was blinded by measles, my friends daughter died of whooping cough at 8 weeks old , and my other uncle was crippled by polio, there is absolutely NO proof that the injections have any effect on development ...... whereas the incidence of measles is rising, and imagine how you'd feel, if your child caught german measles and gave it to an expectant mother whos child was born disabled ...... please have him vaccinated ...... they are as safe as they can possibly be, and far safer than catching the diseases they are there to prevent
have a word with your health visitor, thats what she's there for, tell her of your concerns, and hopefully she can put your mind at rest.
Lynda xx
I know how worrying it can be, but personally I think there is no link between delayed development/ASD and the MMR, I think its just coincidence that these conditions become most apparent around the same time as the vaccinations are carried out. All three of my girls have had the MMR and the booster. I'm not being blase but felt that even if it became clear that there was a link between the two, I would rather have my children alive and have to cope with their problems than have them in a grave because they weren't immunised.
I'm sure though that if you have a child with ASD or developmental delay already it makes my argument seem very silly indeed - whatever you decide for your child will be the right decision.
I did not allow my 4 to have the MMR. When questioned by the Dr about it I told him, with 2 of my cousins being severely autistic and my hubby's brother being aspergers, the risk of something going wrong was too high.
Now I don't think the MMR causes any problems, but if there is an underlying problem there, it could bring it to the fore. My Doctor at the time agreed with me.
I'm sure though that if you have a child with ASD or developmental delay already it makes my argument seem very silly indeed
To me it does.
As it is my youngest is ?ADD/Aspergers. I dread to think what could have happened if he had had the MMR. HE is now 4 and can get horrendus tantrums which makes him unknowingly to him violent. (I have the bruises to prove it, took me a while to persuade the Dr. that it wasn't my hubby beating me.). He has ripped a door of it's hinges and does not understand why none of his siblings will play with him. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't like any routine upset, so glad I home ed as the school won't touch him. As loving and caring as he may be. I would not wish his disorder on any parent. The biggest problem about ASD? Getting a diagnosis and dealing with people who just think that your kids are either mad or downright badly behaved. I have had people come up to me and ask why my son isn't in a home! Which is especially upsetting as he behaves when we go shopping (as a rule).
I wouldn't change him for the world, but I sure as hel wish he wasn't ASD.
As for vaccine damage, I knew of 2 severely disabled children from the dtp vaccine (now passed on) and a friend of mine had the MEN C at 19 and has been ill with heart problems ever since.
I think that to me it is a case of get all the information you can and make your own decision. What may seem best in the short term may not be best in the long run. I think that parents should make up their own minds without all this..."govt knows best"...and parents to be should be informed, but not pressured.http://www.freewebs.com/notesfromtheplot/ **updated**
I had all my 5 children vaccinated for everything and am glad I did. what would I do now if I had to choose ? probably the same but I would get as much info as I could and together with my partner choose what we thought was right for our child.
I'm glad I dont have to go through it again.Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
and ends with backache
Originally posted by lynda66 View Postthe risks of catching the disease should outweigh anything ...... my uncle was blinded by measles, my friends daughter died of whooping cough at 8 weeks old , and my other uncle was crippled by polio, there is absolutely NO proof that the injections have any effect on development ...... whereas the incidence of measles is rising, and imagine how you'd feel, if your child caught german measles and gave it to an expectant mother whos child was born disabled ...... please have him vaccinated ...... they are as safe as they can possibly be, and far safer than catching the diseases they are there to prevent
have a word with your health visitor, thats what she's there for, tell her of your concerns, and hopefully she can put your mind at rest.
Lynda xx
have chatted to H/V ,practise nurse & speech therapist & a midwife,all reluctant to say "go for it".apparently the pre-school jab is not so much a booster but there to "catch the 6% of children that didn't respond to the 1st jab."
Yes I would feel more guilty than can imagine if Ash got measles & had problems with it,more so if he passed the disease onto someone elses baby,but i think the guilt of taking him for a jab that i feel could've caused him problems 1st time round would be far harder to bear.
Not looking for someone to make the decision for me & health pro's have been my 1st port of call,just wondering what other peoples experiences have been.the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.
Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx
i do understand your reasons, these diseases scare me though...... i know they can test for immunity to rubella, as they did that after i had my son, and i wasn't immune, can they test for the others too, to see if he has immunity, if so, and he's immune, then maybe he doesn't actually need it?
Lynda xx
I'm waiting on a phonecall from someone who can hopefully tell me if theres a blood test available,was really impressed that my surgery's nurse took my concerns seriously & admitted to not having the knowledge to advise me 1 way or the other.
p.s sorry if i came across too defensive to you~really difficult to get point across on computer,never know how someones going to translate your words~I often read back something i've posted & read so many different ways it can be taken.the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.
Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx
I had my kids immunised, and am glad I did, but I understand your concerns, not sure what I would do in your situation (((hugs)))
I was worried when I had my two children immunised, each time I asked the nurse 'if it was your child...' and they always say 'yes', they've had their child done. When the professionals say 'We're not sure...' - as in your case, then I'd be hesitant.
It's a horrid situation for you, the likehood is that the reduction in speech is just a coincidence (has anything else happened that could hamper his speech?). We try to do the best we can and in my opinion you have done the right thing. If bad things happen we try to find a 'cause' or something to 'blame' when really (I think) these things would happen anyway, no matter what action we've taken.
Someone dear to me died recently and their parents have been blaming themselves, but I believe that the outcome would be the same no matter what actions the parents had taken. I may not be right but you can't live your life blaming yourself for something that's not your fault.
I'm another one who thinks things like dyslexia and autism have a genetic base (looks at her own family tree!)
When my son was due the MMR, my mother in law tried to insist otherwise. Her friend's daughter has two sons who are profoundly autistic, their symptoms having manifested themselves just after their innoculations. I'm glad I insisted otherwise, I also believe there is NO evidence to suggest the MMR is responsible.
What concerns me is the poor up take in so called trendy London areas where there have now been outbreaks. Because of the high immigrant population where my son was born I was also offered the BCG at 2 weeks. Glad we took that too, given that it is no longer offered in schools.
Measles is on the up, in adults as well as kids. We had a few cases recently and all staff who came into contact had to have their blood tested for antibodies and if they didn't have them were signed off for 18 days and offered immunisation.
I had misgvings about the MMR but my Dr and practice nurse were great, they listened and didn't make me feel silly for asking.
In the end I did it, and don't regret it. Its such a personal decision, but you can only do what feels right for you as a family.Kirsty b xx
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