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Random things in shopping trolleys!


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  • #16
    I once saw a trolley filled with bread rolls and 1 pack of ham and a pack of butter!Don't think I would like to go to that party!lol.
    Reap what you Sow


    • #17
      I once saw a trolley crammed with cakes, crisps, bread, sausage rolls, little kit-kat type biscuits and sweets. 'Ooh are you having a party?' I said to the toddler on board. 'Nah' said his mum, looking slightly puzzled 'It's just my shopping. '
      Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


      • #18
        Whilst doing a big Christmas shop in ASDA, many, many years ago, I took two friends and OH along.
        There I was directing operations, saying can you go get this, the other etc. and OH and our two mates were laughing their socks off, only I couldn't understand why.
        They had only "subsituted" my small turkey for the largest one they could put in the trolley - and I hadn't even noticed!! LOL
        PS I've done the Christmas shopping on my own ever since!
        Bernie aka DDL

        Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


        • #19
          I have to come clean, Me and Young Master grief take great delight in slipping random things in folks trolleys

          We also play our own version of the Bogey game by saying "Itchy Tackle" and ever increasing volumes ... Mrs Grief refuses to come shopping with us any more and thinks that a 50 year old shouldn't act that way
          Never be afraid to try something new.
          Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
          A large group of professionals built the Titanic


          • #20
            Not exactly in the trolley, but my daughters have been known to shout at the top of their voices "Hey Mum, they've got Tenaladies on special - how many do you want?" Also they've put steradent tablets and denture fixative into my trolley (I still have all my own teeth - I'm just losing my marbles). On Sunday I went to the local Asda with my daughter and four grandchildren. I'd gone to keep them company and to buy for me a bag of frozen chips (standby for when the kids come round). I ended up spending �52 - went home with a water feature (for me), a paddling pool (for the Kids) a croquet set (for the kids) clothes (for the kids) icecreams (for the kids) and a bottle of wine for me when they'd all gone home.


            • #21
              A lady in front of me yesterday in tescos had 14 jars of strawberry jam. Nothing else.

              It wasn't even the yummy bonne maman variety it was value, yuk.



              • #22
                Originally posted by janeyo View Post
                A lady in front of me yesterday in tescos had 14 jars of strawberry jam. Nothing else.

                It wasn't even the yummy bonne maman variety it was value, yuk.

                How cheap was it ? She may have more use for the jars than the jam ??

                British by birth
                Scottish by the Grace of God



                • #23
                  Oooh, I love going shopping with Mr D, love to wait for an opportune moment when he's pushing the trolley, then pinch his bottom, or wait until he's leaning into the chest freezers for something, and then grab his ankles and lift his feet up n throw him in (only actually managed it once!), when he was in a wheelchair after an op a few years back I hooked the trolley to the back of the wheelchair and pushed him round like that, big fun was to speed up and stop - to watch him in the wheelchair go flying off on his own! I know, I'm a BAD girl, and some of the looks I get from some of the snooty folks shopping are really scathing, but why should shopping be boring? Add a bit of fun n laughter to the day and it soon becomes a bit more interesting!

                  As to the strangest thing we've bought? 97 jars of pickled beetroot!! They were reduced (sell by date was the next day) to 5p each, and we wanted them for the jars (we make our own incense, and wanted a large quantity of matching jars to store our herbs in) The look on the face of the cashier was good, she was gobsmacked, spesh as Mr D said, I'm gonna enjoy eating this tonight!

                  Best one I've had at work was a guy coming in and asking sheepishly for a refund on 5l of GTX and some sandpaper. It seemed an unusual mix, so I asked him why, to which he replied 'The missus said to get some oil, crisp n dry, n I missheard her n got oil n wet n dry!'
                  Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                  'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                  The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                  Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                  Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                  On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                  • #24
                    Tee hee hee! I want to go shopping with Mrs Dobby! I'm a big bum pincher, too. OH squeals like a pig when I do it, so it's always good for a laugh!


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