I was so humiliated yesterday.
The landscape gardener arrived with a load of bark chippings, so I trundled off up the lane with my folding barrow.
Couple of old boys there too, who told me to use a shovel, not my hands ~ "too heavy" says I. I'll use my hands, thanks.
Better than bending your back, says they. You'll do your back in, they say.
Grinning through gritted teeth, I say I'm bending my knees, not my back. My back is already forcked, that's why I can't lift a shovel. But thanks for the advice.
They are manfully hefting shovels of bark around, while I'm scooping it up in my hands, girly-style.
A 3rd chap comes over to show me how it's done properly, because obviously being a girl I can't load a barrow for myself. Feeling really patronised by now, I get my loaded barrow off, give it a big stroppy push ~ and it promptly folds itself up, tipping all the bark all over the lane.
I went to my shed and sulked.
The landscape gardener arrived with a load of bark chippings, so I trundled off up the lane with my folding barrow.
Couple of old boys there too, who told me to use a shovel, not my hands ~ "too heavy" says I. I'll use my hands, thanks.
Better than bending your back, says they. You'll do your back in, they say.
Grinning through gritted teeth, I say I'm bending my knees, not my back. My back is already forcked, that's why I can't lift a shovel. But thanks for the advice.
They are manfully hefting shovels of bark around, while I'm scooping it up in my hands, girly-style.
A 3rd chap comes over to show me how it's done properly, because obviously being a girl I can't load a barrow for myself. Feeling really patronised by now, I get my loaded barrow off, give it a big stroppy push ~ and it promptly folds itself up, tipping all the bark all over the lane.

I went to my shed and sulked.
