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Just sometimes Bill really gets my goat!


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  • #31
    "Been a lifelong Atari & Mac user (they don't crash when you're performing live on stage and handle everything else in the office too). I've always found Microsoft stuff counter intuitive, slow, intrusive and buggy. And what's a virus ?"

    Oops here we go again.

    If Macs etc. work for you that's just fine by me. (I mean that, honestly)

    I have a chum who runs a large design agency, Macs rule the roost and he says he gets inordinate trouble from them - about the same level as trouble as I would assign to PCs within any other organisation of his size.

    There isn't a "better" or a "right and wrong" here, they are all as bad as each other.

    There are, and will be for some time, viruses for Macs, Linux and any-other-thing. PCs having such a large market share, and in particular a large market share of the "less techie users", that they are the "best" target audience for the virus writers <spit!>

    "I've always found Microsoft stuff counter intuitive, slow, intrusive and buggy"

    And I'm sure I could find 100 people who would say the converse about Apple. I'm not surprised that you find Microsoft counter-intuitive, I think they come form very different perspectives. I struggle whenever I use a Mac - for much the same reason (age notwithstanding!)

    But isn't that the joy of having a free market? I'm thrilled, genuinely, that your system works for you. But I'm bitter about the number of people who are poorly provided for. Lots of chums of mine have problems with their computers. How is it conceivable that consumers allow all these problems to be "acceptable"?
    K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


    • #32
      Not Updates!! (groans) Every time I reboot and get everything up and running, my computer always manages to find updates! Microsoft is so nosy. I also hate the new Windows id, that is taking over everything. At least I use XP not Vista. Heaven forbid the update won't install. I had that happen once. All day it kept wanting to install the same updates over and over again, but i didn't realize it kept getting errors. what a PITA!!!! I am about to throw something my monitor!!! GRRRRR.
      The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. -John Ruskin


      • #33
        My desktop at home has decided it want to do nothing more than showing me a black screen.

        I select "Startup in Normal Mode" and it gets to the XP logo screen, then goes back to the "Startup in Normal Mode" screen. No matter what I select (safe, normal etc) it does the same thing.

        Looks like a fun evening for me tonight!
        A simple dude trying to grow veg.

        BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

        Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

        What would Vedder do?


        • #34
          Hope you don't have to call a bloody help line.
          The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. -John Ruskin


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