Now that the property Market is in free fall...anyone looking for a plot of land to make in to a garden.
I have always wanted a Victorian Walled Garden and am thinking of (when the prices really start to drop) of buying a parcel of land and building one.
A few streets away there has beed a battle for the past few year where a developer wants to buy all the back gardens and build a shedfull of flats on them. Oddly now the final appeal of the palnning has gone throught the builder is not keen on finalising on the deal.
I think 1/2 acre without planning permission shouldn't be to much.
Now Wish list: Chickens, a goat, greenhouse,
I have always wanted a Victorian Walled Garden and am thinking of (when the prices really start to drop) of buying a parcel of land and building one.
A few streets away there has beed a battle for the past few year where a developer wants to buy all the back gardens and build a shedfull of flats on them. Oddly now the final appeal of the palnning has gone throught the builder is not keen on finalising on the deal.
I think 1/2 acre without planning permission shouldn't be to much.
Now Wish list: Chickens, a goat, greenhouse,