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Aaarrrgghhhhh - summer hols!


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  • #16
    I like the holidays now that ours are older. Should be great this summer with Madmax home to enjoy beach days out and stuff with us. Hoping to walk some of the coast path this year if we get a couple of nice days where I am not too tired.

    School hols were a pain when the boys were younger and I worked though so I can empathise with those of you with littlies - good luck!
    Happy Gardening,


    • #17
      Originally posted by tootles View Post
      Clearly I am an evil heartless mother then!!!!!!
      (i've booked them into a holiday club for this week!)
      We all have days like that,whether the hols or not~but it's soooo nice to not have to rush around in the mornings & to have some decent time to do stuff during the day!(D&A have still got "crafty"pressies from christmas that they've not got round to doing!)Also not to give school the "happy child hours",only to be returned tired monsters!!
      the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

      Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


      • #18
        Well I am looking forward to it as it's my little boy starts primary school in september and breaks up from pre-school on Friday. I am sure I will love the sxtra time when he goes (if I am not running aorund after the baby lol) so want to make the most of the next few weeks.

        Having a bit of a panic as overheard some mums talking about the presents they have bought the pre-school staff..... we have made cards but no pressies. I am not being mean but he goes to 2 pre-schools so it would mean 6 pressies. Don't obviously want him to be the only one who doesn't send a pressie.....

        Was thinking maybe a couple of our free-range eggs and a lettuce? Or a couple of plants we have grown from seeds that are ready to be potted on?



        • #19
          If there's a lot to buy for how about buying/making some biscuits~take them in day or so before they break up & they can share them in the staffroom~otherwise it can get pricey!!Not so bad when they at school as they don't have so many teachers(or at least D doesn't),she's just got 2,so we're doing the eggs&vegoption~&D wants to make some biccies.
          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


          • #20
            That's a good idea, will make some biccies maybe later. Can't give them any veg, only lettuce as our 'glut' hasn't started yet. Don't think one courgette each would really be appreciated, lol



            • #21
              I only ever gave teachers pressies when the children left nursery. Otherwise it can get very silly - not to mention the fees you pay anyway.
              (or am I still being evil?!)


              • #22
                Originally posted by tootles View Post
                I only ever gave teachers pressies when the children left nursery. Otherwise it can get very silly - not to mention the fees you pay anyway.
                (or am I still being evil?!)
                Unless you count tax we don't pay fees;but no (on this occassion!)you're not evil!!I agree it can get silly & it seems some parents have competitions who can spend the most~are they expecting higher marks the next year me wonders?Daisy goes up to yr 2 in sept & will have new teachers~the ones she's got now have done so much for her confidence I think it's nice to give a little token siomething to say thankyou~we'll pop to the lottie monday eve & she can pick a few bits & collect some eggs & make some biccies~won't break the bank & we'll feel our appreciation has been shown!
                the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

                Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


                • #23
                  His present is already for tomorrow - there are only 2 staff who he wants to give them to (lol, knows his own mind) so we are giving 2 eggs to each (only got 3 hens so people NEVER get a ful box!, and 2 plants that my son planted as seeds that are waiting to go in the garden - achillea and agastache.

                  He is very pleased and chose them all himself!

                  So not really cost me anything (unless you count a handful of compost, tiny plastic pots, egg boxes and the chicken feed!)

                  And it's hopefully more personal that a box of choccies!



                  • #24
                    At the end of term I used to buy the usual flowers or chocs for the teachers but when my daughter left primary school last year I took in a big tin of chocs for the staff room for all the staff to share including dinner ladies etc.
                    The teacher that had taught her for two years and was also leaving the school got flowers and something else but I cant remember what it was but something she could keep.
                    Try and keep it simple but different.
                    Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                    and ends with backache


                    • #25
                      Between jobshares and support staff, my kids have eight people to thank, so buying gifts would get really silly! At Christmas I made a big cake for the staffroom and then the kids helped make a small box of homebaked goodies for each person. I used disposable foil loaf tins as boxes, with silver foil 'lids' and a bit of ribbon to tie them on. They were very well recieved and I'll be doing something similar again next week.
                      I was feeling part of the scenery
                      I walked right out of the machinery
                      My heart going boom boom boom
                      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                      I've come to take you home."


                      • #26
                        Can't wait - less chance of being mugged on the cyclepath.


                        • #27
                          can't wait - might be ableto get on top of all the weeds -i'll be able to go to the allotment all day, every!!!!! roll on next weds.......


                          • #28
                            Kyle(13) been off since friday. I`ve hardly seen him.
                            He gets up after I`ve gone to work as I leave early, goes to his nan and grandad who live nextdoor for breakfast(and to raid their pockets) then he goes out with his friends.
                            So far he`s been fishing three times(till 3 as he has a paperound)
                            Then he`s off playing cricket with friends. He comes home about 8 has his tea then goes on the xbox till ten then it`s off to bed.
                            What a life.
                            I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Pootle View Post
                              I love my 3 to bits but the prospect of bad weather keeping them stuck indoors on the verge of killing one another fills me with dread! .
                              Yep. Try having 25 of them doing it, all day every day! We dread wet playtimes, the bad behaviour just goes off the scale. We lose our teabreaks too, because we have to supervise them in the classroom.

                              * here's my wish for next September:
                              teach your little girls to be nice to each other and not be b1tchy
                              teach your little boys to join in with housework and clearing up
                              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post

                                * here's my wish for next September:
                                teach your little girls to be nice to each other and not be b1tchy
                                teach your little boys to join in with housework and clearing up

                                Dream on!!! Esp the girls.

                                Oh my - you have made me chuckle.


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