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Help! ants swarming in my front room


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  • #16
    Ants seem to be around with a vengance this year, I've had loads in my compost heap.

    I remember ants trying to take over the dining room at my mums house once and erm.. she got the hoover out and sucked the critters up and threw away the bag away then put powder down, never to be seen again!

    Would boiling water by the gas fire be a good thing???

    Good luck
    Last edited by Flump; 15-07-2008, 08:52 AM.


    • #17
      I'm ashamed to admit that my organic credentials go out of the window when there are ants in the house like that! We get lots of flying ants here and I find putting down ant powder in the morning, going out for a cake and then hoovering up the remains when I get back does the trick (the most important bit is the cake!)


      • #18
        Ive had this problem and used the ant powder, i also found out that i am alergic to flying ants and the large ones as i was bitten and had to be taken to hospital ( nothing major so dont panic, just big lumps and swelling in my joints)! the powder worked a treat though, never came back!
        Life isnt about surviving the storm.....But learning to dance in the rain.


        • #19
          When I lived in Turkey I used to buy a bag of sugar coated dried chickpeas to munch on my way evening i noticed an ant in the bag,took it out & carried on munching,several ants later I realisedthey were actually hiding under the sugar coating....Dread to think how many I'd eaten!!Also my sis got home late one night carrying her sleeping babe;she didn't want to turn the lights on in case it woke her daughter,but remembered she'd left a pastry on the worktop>>picked it up & took a bite & felt a tickly sensation all down her face & arms!
          Hope you've managed to get rid of yours!!
          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


          • #20
            Thank you all for your help and advice. We think that we've blocked the hole now. The fly spray seemed to work as well. I'm just going to get some ant powder in case they come back!
            Thanks to all :0


            • #21
              Originally posted by hels View Post
              Hi Im new and this it my first post so be gentle with me.
              we have this problem every year ! hoover up as many as you can then buy nippon gel (its in a small tube) put this down out of the way of pets and children . leave the remainig ants to feed on the gel they will take it back to the nest. You need to keep topping up the gel for as long as they will feed from it. I could take a week to get rid of them but the gel does work. you will slowly see the numbers getting less and less.

              Hope this helps
              We used a round red disc with an ant on the front (can`t remember the name but I brought it from wilkinsons) last year when ants came out of our wall. I put it next to the hole with a brick on the top( so the dogs wouldn`t eat it). The ants go in pick stuff up on their feet and take it back to the nest. They haven`t been back this year.
              Also welcome.
              I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


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