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Self-Managed -v- Council Maintained Sites


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  • Self-Managed -v- Council Maintained Sites

    Apologies for the long post.......the chairman on our site has thrown his resignation on the table once too often and a meeting has been called to decide whether we remain self managed or ask the council to take control again. What do others think? The guy who resigned has been a control freak for donkeys years and rules the site with petty rules and regulations which when challenged he can't substantiate. Any pro's or con's for either would be interesting to read, thanks
    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...

  • #2
    Our chairman try's to resign every year but we keep voting the bugger back on,our site is run by a commitee with a site manager for dealing with the day to day problems, if anything big crops up there are usually enough commitee members turn up at weekends to have a quick meeting and make a decision. How many people on your site, how many would give a few hours a month to be on the commitee, do you have a secretary, a treasurer anyone who can read and write.


    • #3
      unfortunately our chairman is a bit of a fuehrer, so the general consensous is good riddence however, he'll be waiting for site to fail. There are 50 or so plot holders and at least half have said they would be interested in getting more involved now that he (& his wife) have resigned. But we dont know if we should carry on self managed or go back to being council controlled, there are already candidates for chair/sec/treasurer so there seems to be plenty of interest
      The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


      • #4
        The thing about being self managed is you can make your own decisions, if you have a plot to let and someone on your waiting list you can get them in and on the plot without waiting for some pleb from the council to take their finger out their bum and do something, What our manager preaches is that the plot is run for the members by the members any big changes or new rules are voted on at the AGM no one person or commitee can make these changes or rules without a majority vote of the plot holders.
        I cant see that if you have plenty of interest that you can fail and wouldn't it be good fun to prove the ex chair wrong and rub his nose in it.


        • #5
          If he was Chairman he should have been democratically elected by the plotholders! In that case, you elected him so you can't really complain about him!
          We have no option as to how to run our allotments. The Council dictate that a committee must be elected each year and the Councils only input is a Tenency Agreement covering a three year period which stipulates the do's and dont's.
          After that we just pay the total rent for the site to them (in two half year installments!) and the metred water costs to the Water board.
          Apart from that we can charge what we like and do as we like within the terms of the tenancy Agreement.
          I would imagine if we went back to the Council and said a committee could not be formed they would just shut us down, re-possess the land and do with it what they will!
          Last edited by Snadger; 17-07-2008, 09:55 PM.
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            I doubt the Council would take the site back on. Most are trying their hardest to get rid of (the running of) allotments
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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