I am being nosey!
I wondered what things you have all had great success with so far this summer and things you have failed dismally at?
Here's mine:
Caulis and calabrese - disaster. All had to be composted after a serious bug invasion.
Not been very good at growing spring onions!
Birds ate all my cabbage, and kale from the flower garden.
I have been really pleased with the lettuce - it keeps coming and coming and I am still cutting from my originals 12 weeks in!
My climbing beans are delicious and I wish they grew fast enough for me to eat them every day!
Really glad I got a greenhouse as enjoying the cukes and watching the peppers and toms get bigger - got 2 marmandes going red.
Looking forward to reading everyone elses!
I wondered what things you have all had great success with so far this summer and things you have failed dismally at?
Here's mine:
Caulis and calabrese - disaster. All had to be composted after a serious bug invasion.
Not been very good at growing spring onions!
Birds ate all my cabbage, and kale from the flower garden.
I have been really pleased with the lettuce - it keeps coming and coming and I am still cutting from my originals 12 weeks in!
My climbing beans are delicious and I wish they grew fast enough for me to eat them every day!
Really glad I got a greenhouse as enjoying the cukes and watching the peppers and toms get bigger - got 2 marmandes going red.
Looking forward to reading everyone elses!
