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Feeling a bit sad...


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  • Feeling a bit sad...

    I think I've been hit with a soppy stick!

    Having been looking forward to oldest daughter going off on Brownie Camp (her first time away for a lengthy period of time) I am really missing her and found myself in tears folding up her clean washing. And then I was brought back down to earth by youngest daughter saying 'Its really nice without her here!'.

    They love each other really

  • #2
    I am sure it is hard to let your daughter go away without you and you must be missing her terribly.

    I'm probably not the one to offer advice 'cause both of "mine" are step children but, one thing I know for sure is, that it is a really good thing you are doing for her, letting her go away on Brownie camp. I'm sure she'll be having a great time and she'll appreciate you more when she gets back (and youngest daughter will be pleased to see her too )

    Imho one of the best things you can do for your children is to help them become independant so, dry your eyes and remember what a good Mum you are
    A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


    • #3
      Thanks...I think I just need to be grabbed by the shoulders and given a good shake - I mean, how ridiculous is this? I don't miss OH when he goes away with work (well, I do, but I enjoy the 'me' time too!) and she's only gone for a week. I'm sure she won't have thought much about us at all because she'll be too busy and she's pretty independent for an 8 year old...

      And now the other two are killing each other so I'd better stop wallowing and go and be 'mean mummy'!
      Last edited by Pootle; 23-07-2008, 01:39 PM.


      • #4
        Big hugs for Pootle, Sadly no kiddies for me but I still feel for you just the same.
        Make a cake for her return, decorate it, maybe other two to help with the decorating. how about some choc rice crispy/ cornflake cakes?
        Wite up a little note book for her to read when she is much older. Note all the little things you miss, what your other kiddies have been saying - nicely though


        • #5
          I think they're really nice ideas Headfry. Your youngest sounds like a little monkey Pootle! hehe
          ScottyW, garden wizard Kids are growing up, have a corner of the garden to themselves now
          Hopefully getting my new double glazing soon, yay!


          • #6
            One of my daughters has gone for a three week trip with Rangers [older guides] to India and Sri Lanka and I am worried sick. The worst part is though as she has not been able to take her mobile I cannot speak to her. I have to keep thinking "no news is good news".
            "A home without a cat is only a house"


            • #7
              One of my daughters is away in Mexico at the moment on holiday for 2 weeks and I'm really missing her, cant wait for her to come home and tell me all about it, but then give her a few days at home and Im sure I wont be able to wait for school to start again.



              • #8
                Originally posted by ScottyW View Post
                I think they're really nice ideas Headfry. Your youngest sounds like a little monkey Pootle! hehe
                That's just the polite term for what she is! She certainly has personality Her nursery report was full of sentences like 'she tells children she doesn't want to play with to leave the table', 'she directs play with other children' and 'Jamie is happy to wear a dress when she tells him to'.

                If ever a child needed school...


                • #9
                  Know how you feel pootle. when flowers was away last week in Belgium I missed her like mad, I tided her bedroom and five minuets after she got home it was like a bomb had gone off !!! She broke up yesterday and we headed for the beach came home and took my youngest son for an Interview she was running around the empty carpark while we waited and fell over and grazed her knee the way she fell over I thought we were in for along stay in A & E glad to say she was ok.
                  I expect today it will be ' I'm bored ' no matter what I suggest we do she wont want to do it. As her brother's are much older she feels like an only child so no one to do stuff with.
                  She cant wait to go back to school and hates the holidays, wait till she has a job she wont hate the holidays then !!!
                  Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
                  and ends with backache


                  • #10
                    She's back - very smelly (no showers! for 4 days!) and very tired and just a little bit grumpy! Sounds as though she had a fantastic time, although she was a bit homesick at first.

                    Can't believe those Brownie leaders and Guides - they've given the girls a fantastic experience and all as volunteers. Stars one and all.

                    Oh and it took all of 10 minutes before the first row broke out between the girls - everything is back to normal


                    • #11
                      Our 4 all went on cub/brownie camps and school residential trips from a young age. Now all in their twenties and wonderfully independent - I'm a very proud mum! And of course I miss them, but it's lovely having our home to ourselves, we can please ourselves and are busy having a brilliant time - growing older (eventually) somewhat disgracefully but with home grown veg!!
                      Life is too short for drama & petty things!
                      So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


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